Friday, July 27, 2012

Middle-class tax cut extension passes Senate: Policy or politics?

Senate Democrats squeak through an extension of middle-class tax cuts. Republicans deride it as damaging to the economy. And a January train wreck for spending cuts and tax increases looms even closer. ??

By David Grant,?Staff Writer / July 25, 2012

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., center, talks about the yearlong tax cut extension bill Democrats passed by a near party-line 51-48 vote, at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, July 25, 2012.

J. Scott Applewhite/AP


Senate Democrats squeezed through an extension of the Bush-era tax cuts for households making up to $250,000 Wednesday, pushing a measure that has little chance of Congressional passage but instead highlights both the persistent gridlock and the quest for political points ahead of November?s election.

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The 51-48 vote was so tight that Vice President Joe Biden was called to preside over the debate, sitting in the speaker?s chair in case he was needed to serve as a tiebreaker.?

Two retiring senators, Sen. Jim Webb (D) of Virginia and Sen. Joe Lieberman (I) of Connecticut, who caucuses with Democrats, voted with a united Republican front against the bill. ?But a slew of Democrats in tough reelection contests including Sen. Jon Tester of Montana to Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri held the line by voting in favor.

Minority leader Mitch McConnell (R) of Kentucky allowed the vote to proceed with only a simple majority in order to put Democrats on the record as supporting or promoting a proposition that Republicans deride as a massive tax increase on small businesses.


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Toyota passes GM globally, and VW is closing fast

By Paul Lienert and Christiaan Hetzner, Reuters

Toyota Motor Corp. regained the lead in global car sales over General Motors Co. in the first half of the year, with Volkswagen AG poised to move past GM and push the U.S. automaker into third place for the full year.

The bigger question is how soon the German auto giant also will pass Toyota and secure the global sales crown ? an internal goal that VW management has targeted for 2018 as part of the company's so-called Strategie 18.

VW, in a cautious statement released Thursday, said: "The Volkswagen Group is right on track for 2018, but has not crossed the finish line yet. For us, quality takes precedence over quantity. We don't want to be the biggest, but rather the best and most sustainable automaker in the world. For us, environmentally friendly products and satisfied customers and employees are at least as important as sales rankings and profitability."

It still has to maneuver past a resurgent Toyota, which has rebounded smartly from the effects of last year's earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Toyota in February said it expects to sell a record 9.58 million vehicles globally in 2012, shattering the old mark of 9.37 million in 2007.

Toyota had held the global sales crown from 2008 through 2010, before the natural disasters in Japan dropped it last year to third place, behind GM and VW.

"We have recovered greatly from the earthquake and tsunami," said Javier Moreno, a spokesman for New York-based Toyota North America. "Our dealers now have plenty of inventory and showroom traffic is up on a global basis."

Toyota said it sold 4.97 million vehicles worldwide in the first six months, a substantial increase from the 3.72 million it sold last year, when all Japanese automakers were reeling from the earthquake's aftermath.

GM said it sold 4.67 million vehicles in the first half, up 3.0 percent from 4.54 million the previous year. GM's global performance was driven by record first-half sales in China, which now accounts for more than 30 percent of the automaker's worldwide total. The U.S. market, where GM's sales are growing at a much slower pace, accounts for only 28 percent of the company's total sales.

GM spokesman James Cain on Wednesday said: "We continue to grow our sales and share in China . . . We are in the early days of the most aggressive roll out of new products in our history, which will help us press our advantage in the U.S. and China and grow profitably around the world."

VW, in a mid-year company report released Thursday, said its first-half sales totaled 4.64 million, up 12.4 percent from 4.13 million last year. But the German auto giant, which recently added sports-car maker Porsche to a diversified brand portfolio that also includes heavy-truck makers MAN and Scania, sounded a note of restraint.

"Deliveries by the Volkswagen Group developed very well in the first half of the year," sales boss Christian Klingler told reporters earlier this month. "But that is by no means cause for euphoria. The economic situation, particularly in Western Europe, remains tense and difficult."

Klingler added: "We remain on track and are entering the second half (of the) year, which will be altogether more challenging, with confidence."

A renewed focus on the U.S. market is part of VW's long-range plan to boost global sales to more than 10 million units by 2018, with the United States contributing at least 10 percent of that volume.

Tom Libby, senior automotive analyst with Southfield, Michigan-based R.L. Polk, said VW's management "has been very aggressive, with the U.S. playing a significant role in their global growth strategy. They have become more competitive on pricing here, and we expect their sales and share will continue to rise."

Copyright 2011 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.


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Self-Help 101: Live Better, Feel Much Better | Stress And Anger ...

A lot of people struggle with the right place or way to start their personal development. You should understand that you should find which methods work for you as everyone reacts differently to different methods. Nonetheless, studying ideas in personal development is the best way to create your own plan, so continue reading tips like these, books and articles.

Use your time efficiently so you can get more done in a shorter amount of time. Something you can do is to increase the amount of short breaks you take throughout the workday. Taking breaks is not a waste of time. It will help you stay relaxed and focused on what you need to accomplish.

The first step in any personal development program is the realization that you have room for improvement. We are each just a tiny little bit of the universe. No one knows everything, and everyone has more to learn from others. When you fully grasp this concept, you can truly open yourself to new ideas. It?s not possible to learn everything first hand, so increase your knowledge by soliciting information from others.

Do you consume alcohol more than you should? Are nicotine or other destructive habits something that harms you? Your body should be treated with the utmost respect. You can improve your life by replacing bad habits with good ones. Take a hard look at your daily life and find things that could benefit from a positive restructuring.

Don?t let yourself get stressed out. Taking things too seriously in times of trouble results in extra, unnecessary stress. You have to understand things go wrong on occasion when you?re trying to achieve a goal. Instead of freaking out, you should come up with methods of overcoming the obstacle. It?s not the end of the world.

Start an emergency fund. The only constant in life is change, and sometimes those changes require use to take on unexpected expenses. Just saving a little bit each week can quickly add up to a decent sum. Emergency funds help in the short-term and the long-term, as you begin to bring your total debt down.

Place your personal central principles into practice. Your personal beliefs create the foundation for who you are. Sticking to your core values will help your self esteem, if you?ve got a strong foundation to rely on. If your goals are grounded by your principles, you?ll be more consistent in pursuing them.

Try perusing some books on personal development. These books have changed many people?s lives, and they could do the same for you. Look for a book that is backed by very positive and very credible reviews because certain personal development books are written terribly.

Exercise is for all people, not just someone looking to lose weight. There are countless physical benefits to exercising. For instance, regular exercise is a great way to boost your mood.

Many people are unaware that diet can affect feelings of depression, as an increase in consumption of complex carbohydrates can help. Proper production of serotonin, a neurochemical that helps improve mood, requires plenty of complex carbs. Aside from snacking on nuts, rice and legumes, exercising and getting enough sleep also help boost serotonin levels.

You can?t please all of the people, and there?s no use in trying. Please yourself first! You should not be selfish and only do what you want with no regards to others, though you do need to take full responsibility for your happiness. You should never sacrifice your beliefs in the search for happiness.

Keep in mind that everyone is different, so there may be some tips that do not apply to your current lifestyle. Unless you are willing to find new applications for your knowledge, you may never fully meet your potential. Some of your friends may benefit from reading this article, so by sharing what you have learned others may get help in their personal development as well as yourself.

Have a look at my own web page for all your personal development, self improvement training and private growth needs, in addition to a copy of my e-book,


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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Having Kids After Age 30 May Lower Cancer Risk

Women who have children in their 30s and 40s may have a decreased risk of endometrial cancer, which develops in the lining of the uterus, according to a new study.?

Women who give birth over age 40?were 44 percent less likely to have the cancer than women whose last birth occurred at or before age 25, the researchers found.

For women whose last birth occurred between ages 35 to 39, the risk decreased by 32 percent, and for women who last gave birth between ages 30 and 34, their risk decreased by 17 percent, compared to those who delivered their last baby by age 25.

The effect was seen even as the women aged, showing that the "protection persists for many years,? said author Wendy Setiawan, a professor of preventive medicine at the University of Southern California's Keck School of Medicine.

The researchers reviewed data from 17 studies involving 8,671 women with endometrial cancer and 16,562 women without the disease. They looked at how childbearing affected women's cancer risk, and accounted for other variables known to affect risk, such as contraception use and number of children.

Researchers aren't sure exactly why the later childbearing may affect endometrial cancer risk. Setiawan said it may be that hormone levels during pregnancy are beneficial in preventing cancer at older ages. Giving birth may rid the uterus of cancer-causing cells, she said, or it could be that women who are able to become pregnant later in life have healthier uteruses to begin with. [Best Age to Raise Kids? Older Parents Say 30s]

The research adds to studies looking at health effects of later childbearing. Late childbearing has been linked with a higher likelihood of delivering a smaller baby, and more complications during late pregnancy and childbirth. Studies have also shown that women who give birth to their first child at later ages have increased risks of ovarian cancer?and breast cancer.

About 47,000 U.S. women will be diagnosed with endometrial cancer in 2012, and 8,000 will die of the disease this year, according to the National Cancer Institute.

The study was published online July 23 in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

Pass it on: Having a child at an older age lowers a women's chance of endometrial cancer.

Follow MyHealthNewsDaily on Twitter @MyHealth_MHND. Find us on Facebook?and Google+.

Copyright 2012 MyHealthNewsDaily, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Tax Considerations Can Impact Retirement Decisions | Augulis Law ...

Jul 25, 2012 ?/? By: Alan Augulis, Estate Planning Attorney ?/? Category: Estate Planning, Financial Planning, Retirement Planning

It is important to be proactive about saving money for retirement, and unfortunately a significant percentage of Americans have been remiss in this regard. A high profile study that was conducted among baby boomers last year found that about one fourth of them had no retirement savings at all, and the mean savings among those who participated was just $40,000.

In addition to putting away a nest egg you must also consider your retirement expenses. Taxation can present a great deal of difficulty to people who are on a fixed income, so it is not uncommon for some individuals to retire to locations that offer tax advantages.

The taxes in the state of New Jersey are among the highest in the country. If your income stays about the same as your taxes continually rise during your senior years you may find yourself in a difficult situation.

As we all know many people retire to Florida, and your first thought may be that they are retiring there because of the weather. While this is certainly a consideration, the state of Florida has no state income tax, a homestead property tax provision, and no estate or inheritance tax on the state level.

So, in addition to the sunshine Florida also provides some tax savings for senior citizens who are looking for a cost-effective retirement destination.

Regardless of where you would like to live during your retirement years advance planning is the key to reaching your goals. If you?re ready to get started, right now would be a good time to pick up the phone to arrange for a consultation with a good Somerset County NJ retirement planning lawyer.

The Augulis Law Firm is a member of the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys.


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Rizon Jet receives new maintenance approvals in Doha and ...

Rana Mesbah Posted by Rana Mesbah
Thursday, July 26 - 2012 at 12:38 UAE local time (GMT+4)

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About Rizon Jet
Founded in 2006 and headquartered in Doha, State of Qatar, Rizon Jet has additional operating bases strategically located in the Middle East (United Arab Emirates, Qatar) and Europe (United Kingdom). Rizon Jet focuses on providing a comprehensive suite of private aviation services ranging from aircraft charter, aircraft maintenance, aircraft management, FBO / VIP Terminal services to aircraft sales and consulting. Rizon Jet is part of Ghanim bin Saad al Saad & Sons Group Holdings (GSSG) headquartered in Doha, State of Qatar. |

About Ghanim bin Saad Al Saad & Sons Group Holdings
Ghanim bin Saad Al Saad & Sons Group Holdings (GSSG) was founded by Ghanim bin Saad Al Saad in 1993 and incorporated in 2007. Today it is one of Qatar's most successful private sector business groups, making a major contribution to the country's economic growth.

GSSG has enjoyed steady growth and success in many fields and industries locally and international. GSSG's diverse portfolio gives its strength and enables its companies within the group to maximise global business opportunities wherever and whenever they arise.

The founder, Mr. Ghanim bin Saad al Saad, has enabled the group to grow to over 40 companies around the world. As an inspirational business leader, he has steered the group to achieve its success in industries that include aviation, maritime, automobiles, oil & gas, real estate, manufacturing, contracting and trading, finance & asset management, engineering, education, fitness, hotels, hospitality and fashion, information technology and telecommunications.

In addition to its corporate headquarters in Doha, GSSG also has five international offices located in London, Zurich, Cairo, Singapore and Dubai. |

Jennifer Schlicht
T: 00974 4419 9486

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Keri-Anne Payne gives London 2012 route the ... - BBC World News

Keri-Anne Payne had to negotiate stray ducks and reeds but still gave her London 2012 venue the thumbs-up after a trial-run. Keri-Anne Payne was the first person to swim the open water course (Picture: PA) The Beijing silver-medallist took a dip in the open water course at the Serpentine in Hyde Park, and reported: ?I?ve just become the first athlete to have swum in it which is quite cool. ?I?m glad I did it for the taste. I had to fight with a couple of ducks, though, to get past the buoys. ?It?s really nice water to swim in ? the only thing was that I got a little bit tangled in the reeds but I?ve learned from that now.? Payne does not compete until August 9 but she and the entire GB swim team will not attend Friday?s opening ceremony, it was announced on Wednesday. The seven-day-long pool schedule starts the following morning, and James Goddard, who will compete against Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte in the 200metres individual medley, explained: ?As a group of swimmers with [national performance director] Michael Scott and a couple of the other staff we sat down and, as a team, we decided not to go to the

Video Store application for BlackBerry PlayBook now available in Canada

Video Store application for BlackBerry PlayBook now available in Canada

We all know things aren't exactly looking bright over at RIM's Waterloo HQ, but, thankfully, that's not keeping the company from taking care of its current and very valuable customer base. How so? Well, earlier today the BlackBerry maker announced its official Video Store application is now live in Canada's App World, giving the PlayBook crowd a hub to buy / rent "thousands" of movies and TV shows. Obviously -- similar to iTunes and Google Play on their respective slates -- folks will also be able to preview content before taking the plunge, and as a Berry rep told us, there should be no problem with streaming videos to a high-def television via the the tablet's HDMI output. Video Store Canada, as it's known by its formal name, is up for download now at the source link below.

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Video Store application for BlackBerry PlayBook now available in Canada originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 25 Jul 2012 13:17:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Woman vows to stay on charity row after assault

By NBC News staff

A woman who said she was sexually assaulted while on a two-month row around Lake Michigan to raise cancer awareness says she remains frightened but plans to resume her trip Wednesday.

Jenn Gibbons is trying to become the first person to solo-row the entire 1,500-mile perimeter of Lake Michigan in an effort to show the role exercise plays in the fight against breast cancer. She set out on her two-month mission from Chicago on June 15, reported.

About five weeks into her journey, she said, she awoke in the early morning hours on Sunday to the sound of someone boarding the boat, which she had docked for the night near a lighthouse on a stretch of a remote shoreline of Lake Michigan. Gibbons told police she rushed to lock the cabin door, but the stranger forced his way inside and sexually assaulted her.

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?I was out in the middle of nowhere,? Gibbons told the Chicago Sun-Times. ?It was terrifying. And he told me he knew where to find me.?

Police believe Gibbons? attacker traveled a significant distance to find her, they said in a statement, perhaps following her on the Internet as she documented her mission through her Facebook page and personal blog.

Gibbons said she punched the man in the chest and ran. She tried to lock herself in a wooden outhouse, but her attacker forced his way inside. She said she fought him off until he fled in a yellow Jeep Wrangler.

Gibbons said she ran to the boat, locked herself in the cabin and called 911, police said.

Michigan State Police

This sketch shows the suspect wanted in connection with the reported sexual assault of Jenn Gibbons on Sunday, July 22, 2012.

Police released a sketch of the man Tuesday and continued their investigation. The suspect is described as a white male in his 30s, approximately 5 feet 8 to 6 feet tall, with a fair amount of facial stubble hair, but not a full beard or mustache. The man has light eyes, an average to athletic build and shorter well-kept hair. He was wearing a grayish green T-shirt, jean shorts and tennis shoes.

?I know that I had a choice in telling people about the details of my attack, particularly that it was a sexual assault,? Gibbons posted in a note to her Facebook page. ?To go through this at all, let alone publicly, is extremely difficult. I chose to talk about it in the hope that someone might be able to provide more information about the person who did this to me.?

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?Regarding the trip, one thing hasn?t changed: I?ve still got this,? Gibbons wrote. ?But the trip plan will change in a few ways to ensure my safety. Most importantly, I will no longer be alone.?

Gibbons is a customer service agent for the deal-of-the-day website Groupon and the head coach for the Recovery on Water charity, a rowing team composed of breast cancer survivors.

Gibbons said she hoped her mission circumnavigating Lake Michigan would raise $150,000 for her charity. She has already raised $80,000, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

WATCH: Kevin Smith Hosts Discussion of Batman Shootings

As a movie lover and a Batman fan, Kevin Smith felt devastated by the mass shooting at a Dark Knight Rises screening in Aurora, Colo. This week, Smith's Hulu chat show Spoilers -- in which he discusses a new movie with an audience that has just seen it -- was supposed to be dedicated to the latest Batman film. Instead, he led the audience in a sort of group therapy session, as Smith and his fellow moviegoers worked through their anger, fear and confusion about the Aurora massacre. The result is a thoughtful, sincere and non-reactionary discussion about something that's been on everyone's mind. Watch the episode below.


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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sales Training Brisbane - Why Business Coaching is Important for ...

In these times of cut throat competition, manpower is the most important resource. In order to enter new areas and also to protect and grow in existing businesses, the organizations have to continuously work on maintaining the entry barriers of their field and also to scale the barriers in new fields.

To successfully achieve this, it is of utmost importance, organization must work on development of their employees and business processes, to enable them to meet the challenges. One good way of doing this is to resort to Business Coaching in which experts are hired to groom and maintain the organization along with its personnel like a sports coach does.

Though the concept looks simple, "Hire a business consultant, identify the target group and let it go". But the whole thing is not so easy especially when the final result counts. The various challenges in the whole process are:- a) To identify the needs of the organization.

b) To identify the skill sets and the right organization to match those skills sets.

c) To develop a proper feedback mechanism to asses results and realign if necessary. Let's consider each element in brief. a) To identify the needs of the organization:

The needs can be categorized in terms of internal factors as well as external factors. The internal factors are lack of clear vision, leadership challenges, execution problems, sales and marketing issues as well as the funding issues. The external factors include competition, taxation, governance, policy making etc. Normally the businesses have limited control on external factors but internal factors are definitely an area where a business coach can definitely help.

b) To identify the skill sets required to meet the needs: The period of experience should be reasonable and the area of expertise should be compatible to the business realm of the organization. Similarly, the educational background of the support staff and their processes to execute the work are some of areas in which the prospective business coaches have to be evaluated, zero in on the right choice.

c) To develop a proper feedback mechanism to asses results and realign if necessary:

Once the agency is identified, then their custom made processes for the specific needs of the organization must be drafted, preferably under direct involvement of the higher management. At the starting level itself, the milestones to measure the progress are identified, and mechanism to collect the required information are established after thorough study, so that if required the plan should have required flexibility to readjust to any change on the way to achieve purpose.

And once every this is done, it is time to START.

Keywords: Sales Training Brisbane, Business Coach Brisbane, Management Consulting Australia, Small Business Coaching?

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Geek deal: $165 off the Alienware X51 mini gaming PC ? Computer ...

alienware x51

Video games have always had two separate and some might say competing channels of gameplay: the PC and the console. While a third option, the classic arcade game, was very popular at the dawn of video gaming, it isn?t relevant today or for this discussion. Both PC and console gaming have shared many attributes, indeed being based on similar technologies, but the two genres grow more distinct and separate as the years march on.

Consoles started as singular devices that could do one thing and one thing only: play video games. Some early models could even only play one game. On the other hand, PCs have always been multi-function devices. When you weren?t running that command-line version of Corel office software or running AOL from a floppy-disk, you could fire-up a command line and check out Rise of the Triad?or the classic Wolfenstein.

Fast forward to the 21st century and computers and game consoles are starting to become indistinguishable. They are based on nearly identical technology platforms and the user interfaces are optimized for each device?s primary-use, but they can do just about all the same things: gaming, web browsing, multimedia, social networking, and the list goes on.

Alienware?s X51 mini gaming PC intends to blur the lines even further. While it is a fully-featured PC on the inside, with all of the same features and technologies you?re used to, it?s exterior intends to make you want to give up your game console. Everything about the X51?s design screams of some kind of Alien Xbox/Playstation hybrid (see what I did there?): tiny 13.5 x 12.5 x 3.75-inch dimensions, home theater-friendly aesthetics, and of course all the outputs needed to hook up to your home theater.

It also comes with much more powerful hardware than 7 year old consoles currently available. A quad-core 3rd gen Intel Core i7 processor runs the show and produces those pretty game frames with an Nvidia GeForce GTX 555. It has all the latest goodies like USB 3.0, Wireless-N, 7.1 surround audio, and a slot-loading optical drive. HDMI is built-in for easy connection to your HDTV to boot.

Being a premium gaming system, and a recently refreshed one too, we don?t see many discounts on the X51. This 10% instant savings and $50 stackable coupon make for the best price we have seen on the X51 and a great bargain on such a compact gaming machine.

Visit LogicBuy for the?Alienware X51 mini gaming PC


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Monday, July 23, 2012

Adyen: 3.6% of all global payments are completed using iPad devices - report

The iPad is the world?s most commonly used mobile device for payments, with users spending on average 20 percent more per purchase than on other mobile devices, a recent report has revealed.

According to a research conducted by Adyen, a provider of global internet payment and e-commerce services, 3.6 percent of all global payments are now completed using iPad devices, compared with 3 percent on iPhones and 1.5 percent on Android devices, with use of iPad and Android devices for payments experiencing the fastest growth.

Moreover, the study has found that, in addition to the iPad?s new position as market leader for mobile payments, the worldwide share of all mobile transactions has more than doubled over the past 8 months from 3.6 percent in late 2011, to 8.4 percent in June 2012.

Finally, the research has shown that so-called Daily Deal websites have experienced the greatest mobile payment penetration, with 12.6 percent of all transactions originating from a mobile device. This is closely followed by the retail sector, with a total of 7.2 percent.


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Panda Cloud Antivirus Pro Edition 2.0

Antivirus protection is an absolute necessity for the modern PC, but alone it's not sufficient to guarantee security. At the very least you need a two-way firewall as well; adding phishing protection and other security features couldn't hurt. Panda Cloud Antivirus Pro Edition 2.0 ($29.99 direct) combines antivirus, firewall, antiphishing, and a few other features, making it a small-scale security suite. Based on our testing, though, you might be better off just combining Panda's free antivirus with a free firewall.

The same miniscule program that installs Panda Cloud Antivirus Free Edition 2.0 (free, 3.5 stars) will install the Pro edition too, if you have a registration key. You can also upgrade the Free edition to Pro at any time.

Same Protection Against Malware
The antivirus component is the same for both editions, so I'll just summarize my results from testing the Free edition here. For full details, please read that review.

Panda Cloud Antivirus is best at keeping malware from gaining a foothold on a clean PC. It had trouble installing or running on many of my test systems. Fortunately, Panda offers a large number of tools to help out with the cleanup process. Unfortunately, they were all needed, and getting some of the test systems cleaned up took several days.

Thanks in no small part to Panda Cloud Cleaner, Panda SafeDisk, and remote-controlled use of the PSCAN tool, Panda detected 84 percent of the threats and scored 5.4 of 10 possible points for removal. With 6.4 points, Bitdefender Total Security 2013 ($79.95 direct for three licenses, 4 stars) has the best score among products tested with my current malware collection. For details on how I perform this analysis, see How We Test Malware Removal.

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Panda was much more effective at blocking new malware attacks. It detected 92 percent of the threats and scored 9.2 of 10 possible points, and earned 10 of 10 points for blocking rootkits. The most effective malware blocker among products tested with the same sample set was SecureIT Plus ($5.95/month direct, 2 stars), with 9.7 points. The article How We Test Malware Blocking explains how I derive these scores.

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Most of the independent antivirus labs include Panda's technology in their tests. It gets good marks overall, though it's not at the level of top-scoring vendors like Bitdefender, Kaspersky, and Symantec. The chart below summarizes recent results, and the article How We Interpret Antivirus Lab Tests introduces the various labs.

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Limited Phishing Protection
Panda's URL filter keeps users from accidentally visiting malicious or fraudulent (phishing) sites. Both editions get the benefit of this protection, but in testing it proved less than fully effective. It didn't block any actual malicious sites, though the antivirus caught some threats during the download process. Its phishing detection rate lagged 68 percentage points behind Norton and one point behind Internet Explorer alone. The article How We Test Antiphishing explains how I obtain the freshest phishing URL samples and derive these scores.

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Panda doesn't include a parental control component, but if you were desperate to know what websites have been visited from your family's computer, you might conceivably use the URL monitor feature. Present in both Free and Pro editions, this feature lists recently executed programs and optionally tracks all URLs visited by each.

If the programs report reveals that a suspicious program has been connecting with shady websites, you can click a button to block the program. Doing so puts it in Panda's Recycle Bin and prevents it being used.


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Sunday, July 22, 2012

I'm Sorry for Cursing ? Colon / rectal cancer | ...

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

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ACLU: Russell Pearce Emails Show Arizona Immigration Law Was ...

PHOENIX -- Opponents of Arizona's hardline immigration enforcement law contend that emails sent, received and forwarded by a former legislator who championed the law support allegations it was racially motivated.

Dozens of emails are cited in a new legal effort by the American Civil Liberties Union and other civil rights groups to block police from enforcing the Arizona law's so-called "show me your papers" provision recently upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.

The groups said the emails and other material reveal that ex-Sen. Russell Pearce and other supporters of the law known as SB1070 embraced discriminatory views and bent the truth about immigration-related matters, setting the stage for enactment of a law that the groups contend will lead to racial profiling if enforced.

Russell is the architect of Arizona's immigration law.

The use of the emails in the court filing later Tuesday was reported Friday by The Arizona Republic.

Pearce on Friday denied discriminatory intent in championing the law, telling The Associated Press that the civil rights groups falsely portray him as a racist and that the law includes protections against racial profiling.

"Nobody wants to talk about that," he said. "I've been attacked for years. I don't expect it to stop."

The motion cited dozens of emails that were sent, received or forwarded by Pearce. Many of the emails asserted costs and troubles associated with unauthorized immigration, including crime and increased demand for public services such as education and health care.

Pearce has made countless public statements to that effect in recent years, while repeatedly saying he just wants federal and state officials to enforce laws against unauthorized immigration.

In one article forwarded by Pearce from one of his email accounts to another in 2006, a commentator spoke of the United States "facing an overwhelming illegal alien invasion" in which Hispanic undocumented immigrants were "arrogantly corrupting our unifying national language while actively disrespecting our culture, society and country."

A 2007 email sent from Pearce's legislative email account to a personal Pearce account said unauthorized immigration of Spanish-speakers puts the country's status as an English-speaking country at risk.

"It's like importing leper colonies and hope we don't catch leprosy," the email stated. "It's like importing thousands of Islamic jihadists and hope they adapt to the American dream."

The five-page email contained multiple references to conditions in Arizona, but Pearce said the leprosy reference was from material written by a man in Colorado.

"I forward a lot of his stuff. Much of it is right on," Pearce said.

The Arizona law's so-called "papers" provision requires police to check the immigration status of people they stop for other reasons if there is reasonable suspicion the people are in the country without documentation.

The high court on June 25 rejected the Obama administration's argument that the provision was unconstitutional because federal law trumps state law. But the civil rights group now argues that it should be blocked because Latinos in Arizona would face systematic racial profiling and unreasonably long detentions.

The civil rights groups' motion argues that discriminatory intent by legislative supporters of the law would help prove that it violates the Constitution's right to equal protection under the law.

Jack Chin, a University of California-Davis law school professor, said courts typically are more interested in details of laws or their enforcement, and that legislative emails and questionable claims of fact have limited value as evidence.

"If we're talking about the bad views of one legislator, even an important legislator, that's going to be a hard sell because the majority of legislators who voted for the thing might not have been racially motivated," Chin said.

A spokesman for Gov. Jan Brewer said the groups' arguments are a smoke screen that won't succeed in court.

"By focusing upon an individual legislator's emails, they intend to divert focus from SB1070's simple, common-sense language - language that the overwhelming majority of Arizonans and Americans support, and language that the Supreme Court unanimously upheld," said Brewer spokesman Matthew Benson.

Pearce was Arizona Senate president when he was ousted from the Legislature after losing a November 2011 recall election. He is running for re-election to the state Senate.


Information from: The Arizona Republic,

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Friday, July 20, 2012

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KSL's public inspection files, including the Children's Television Programming Reports and the DTV Quarterly Activity Station Report, are available for viewing during regular office hours at the KSL Broadcast House.

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Rockland: Lightning strikes two-family home

? July 19, 2012Posted in: Local News

Lightning strike a two-family Rockland home on Liberty Street around 4 p.m. Wednesday causing an attic fire.

An afternoon thunder storm hit the town hard, causing power outages and multiple fires. Due to several storm related calls, Fire Chief Scott Duffey said their resources were strained and they needed the assistance of Hingham and Randolph engines.

The fire spread to a second floor bedroom, no one was injured, but there was water and smoke damage.

Chief Duffey said they received a total of four calls dealing with separate lightning incidents?only two were working fires, the others were false alarms.

Liberty Street, Route 123

WATD Online Traffic Center


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Thursday, July 19, 2012

CDC: Whooping cough rising at alarming rate in US

FILE - This Monday, Sept. 19, 2011 file photo shows an empty bottle of Tetanus, Diphthera and Pertussis, (whooping cough) vaccine at Inderkum High School in Sacramento, Calif. Health officials say the U.S. is on track to have the worst year for whooping cough in more than five decades. Nearly 18,000 cases have been reported so far - more than twice the number seen at this point last year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday, July 19, 2012. At this pace, the number of whooping cough cases will surpass every year since 1959. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)

FILE - This Monday, Sept. 19, 2011 file photo shows an empty bottle of Tetanus, Diphthera and Pertussis, (whooping cough) vaccine at Inderkum High School in Sacramento, Calif. Health officials say the U.S. is on track to have the worst year for whooping cough in more than five decades. Nearly 18,000 cases have been reported so far - more than twice the number seen at this point last year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday, July 19, 2012. At this pace, the number of whooping cough cases will surpass every year since 1959. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)

(AP) ? The U.S. appears headed for its worst year for whooping cough in more than five decades, with the number of cases rising at an epidemic rate that experts say may reflect a problem with the effectiveness of the vaccine.

Nearly 18,000 cases have been reported so far ? more than twice the number seen at this point last year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday. At this pace, the number for the entire year will be the highest since 1959, when 40,000 illnesses were reported.

Nine children have died, and health officials called on adults ? especially pregnant women and those who spend time around children ? to get a booster shot as soon as possible.

"My biggest concern is for the babies. They're the ones who get hit the hardest," said Mary Selecky, chief of the health department in Washington, one of the states with the biggest outbreaks. Washington and Wisconsin have reported more than 3,000 cases each, and high numbers have been seen in a number of other states, including New York, Minnesota and Arizona.

Whooping cough has generally been increasing for years, but this year's spike is startling. Health investigators are trying to figure out what's going on, and theories include better detection and reporting of cases, some sort of evolution in the bacteria that cause the illness, or shortcomings in the vaccine.

The vaccine that had been given to young children for decades was replaced in the late 1990s following concerns about rashes, fevers and other side effects. While the new version is considered safer, it is possible it isn't as effective long term, said Dr. Anne Schuchat, who oversees the CDC's immunization and respiratory disease programs.

Some parents in California and other states have rebelled against vaccinations and gotten their children exempted from rules that require them to get their shots to enroll in school. Washington state has one of the highest exemption rates in the nation. But the CDC said that does not appear to be a major factor in the outbreak, since most of the youngsters who got sick had been vaccinated.

Whooping cough, or pertussis, is a highly contagious disease that can strike people of any age but is most dangerous to children. Its name comes from the sound children make as they gasp for breath.

It used to be a common threat, with hundreds of thousands of cases annually. Cases gradually dropped after a vaccine was introduced in the 1940s, and the disease came to be thought of as a relic of another age. For about 25 years, fewer than 5,000 cases were reported annually in the U.S. The numbers started to climb again in the 1990s.

In both 2004 and 2005, cases surpassed 25,000. The numbers dipped for a few years but jumped to more than 27,000 in 2010, the year California saw an especially bad epidemic.

Experts believe whooping cough occurs in cycles and peaks every three to five years. But they have been startled to see peaks this high. Vaccinations are supposed to tamp down the amount of infection in the population and make the valleys in the cycles longer, said Pejman Rohani, a University of Michigan researcher who is co-leader of a federally funded study of whooping cough trends.

The government recommends that children get vaccinated in five doses, with the first shot at age 2 months and the final one between 4 and 6 years. A booster shot is recommended around 11 or 12.

Vaccination rates for young children are good ? about 84 percent of 3-year-olds have gotten the recommended number of shots. But fewer than 70 percent of adolescents have gotten all their shots. Most states require pertussis vaccinations for school attendance.

In a possible indicator of a problem with the vaccine, investigators in Washington state were alarmed to see high rates of whooping cough in youngsters around 13 and 14.

Whooping cough typically starts with cold-like symptoms that can include a runny nose, congestion, fever and a mild cough. The CDC advises parents to see a doctor if they or their children develop a prolonged or severe cough. Whooping cough is treated with antibiotics, the earlier the better.

Health authorities are girding for what may be a bad couple of years.

"There is a lot of pertussis out there, and there may be more coming to a place near you," Schuchat said.



CDC information on whooping cough:

CDC-recommended video of child with whooping cough:

Associated Press


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Lesbian mom on Boy Scouts: We'll keep fighting

Courtesy of GLAAD

Jennifer Tyrrell, right, addresses the media with her partner, Alicia, after delivering a petition to the Boy Scouts of America in Dallas, Tex., on Wednesday in which she calls for an end to the private group's policy banning gay Scouts and leaders.

By Miranda Leitsinger, NBC News

A woman who was ousted as the head of her son?s Tiger Cubs pack because she is a lesbian on Wednesday delivered a petition with more than 300,000 signatures to the Boy Scouts urging them to end their longstanding policy banning gay Scouts and leaders, saying the organization?s recent decision to stick with the controversial membership standards will not end her campaign.

Jennifer Tyrrell, a 32-year-old, stay-at-home mother of four, was removed from her post as den master in April because she is a lesbian. She has been fighting since then to get the Boy Scouts to change its longstanding policy, starting an online petition calling for the change.

But on Tuesday, the private organization said it was keeping the ban on open or avowed homosexuals.

"I feel like this isn?t going to deter me because I truly love Scouts and I truly ... want to see this change take place, and not just for myself, but for families and children everywhere who have flooded me with emails thanking me for having the courage to stand up because they actually, you know, couldn?t," she told NBC News just after handing over the petition and meeting with two Boy Scouts representatives at the private group's headquarters in Texas.

MSNBC's Thomas Roberts talks to Zach Wahls, Eagle Scout and author of "My Two Moms," who petitioned the Boy Scouts to drop the policy banning gay Scouts and leaders that the organization recently decided it would keep.


The three large boxes that Tyrrell gave to the group also contained comments from current and former Scouts and leaders who support ending the policy. Wearing her den master uniform, she was joined by two of her children and her partner, Alicia Burns.

An Ohio woman who says she was ousted as a den leader by the Boy Scouts of America because she is gay. KXAS reporter Amanda Guerra has the story.

The purpose of the meeting was not to discuss changing the policy, BSA spokesman Deron Smith said in an email to NBC News, but to listen and to receive the petition.

?The Boy Scouts of America works to treats everyone with courtesy and respect," he said. "The discussion was mutually cordial and very respectful. The BSA values the freedom of everyone to express their opinion and believes to disagree does not mean to disrespect.?

Tyrrell said the representatives were polite and professional during the 10-minute meeting, but that "they don't see any change in the future" on the policy. She said they were adamant that the right decision had been made in deciding to maintain the policy after a recent confidential review of it, but also said they were saddened by what happened to her though it was in line with their membership standards.

"It was a very respectful meeting. I think it was productive. I think ... we were both willing to listen," she said, but "we disagree still."

Courtesy of GLAAD

Two of Jennifer Tyrrell's children and her partner, Alicia, wait while Tyrrell speaks to the media after delivering more than 300,000 signatures to the Boy Scouts of America at the group's headquarters in Dallas, Tex., on Wednesday.

She said she told them, "'Well, I guess I?ll see you in the future because we?re going to keep on meeting until we win.?

The Boy Scouts said Tuesday that it began a confidential review of the policy in 2010, convening a diverse committee of 11 senior volunteers and professional leaders to review the membership standards after a resolution was put forward to reconsider them. The committee reached a "unanimous consensus" that it was the "best policy" for the BSA, Smith said. That conclusion was shared at a February board meeting and recently reviewed by the officers of the board.

?The vast majority of the parents of youth we serve value their right to address issues of same-sex orientation within their family, with spiritual advisers, and at the appropriate time and in the right setting,? Bob Mazzuca, chief scout executive of the?Boy Scouts, said in a statement. ?While a majority of our membership agrees with our policy, we fully understand that no single policy will accommodate the many diverse views among our membership or society.?

The review was conducted confidentially "to allow the committee to make the best decision for the organization," Smith said.

Boy Scouts: We're keeping policy banning gays
Boy Scouts review controversial anti-gay policy
Eagle Scout son of lesbian moms: Boy Scouts must end gay discrimination
Gay mom upset after dismissal by Boy Scouts
Boy Scouts board member opposes anti-gay policy

Tyrrell said she asked the Boy Scouts if they could provide documentation about the review, but her request was declined.

?I would actually like a little bit of proof backing up what they say,? she said before the meeting. ?They think that all the Scout parents feel that this is a bad move, they don?t want to change the policy. They?ve never provided any proof saying that. I have proof. I have over 316,000 signatures on a petition,? plus comments from many ?relaying the message this is why we want to see this policy changed.?

?The discrimination with adults is bad enough, but you can?t be a gay Scout, either, so that?s ? [a] dangerous message that you?re sending the kids, that they are not good enough, that they?re not accepted,? she added. ?It?s just not fair to treat children that way and it?s not fair to tell parents that you can?t be involved in your child?s life. So, we?re not going to stop until every parent can participate in Scouts with their child.?

In June, the Boy Scouts said it was considering another resolution proposed at the group's annual meeting the month before that also called for ending the policy. But the decision announced Tuesday means the Scouts? board will take no more action on that resolution and had no plans to further review the issue, Smith said.

The Boy Scouts? policy became a focus of the U.S. Supreme Court in 2000, when the justices sided with the organization in a lawsuit involving a former assistant Scoutmaster who was gay, citing the protections of the First Amendment.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

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