Monday, August 5, 2013

Brush mayor proclaims May Mental Health Month

"Live well! It's essential to your potential," was the title of the proclamation proclaiming May Mental Health Month put forth by Brush Mayor Dan Scalise and members of the Brush City Council during the April 22 regular session.

With mental health essential to everyone's overall health and well-being and with all Americans experiencing times of difficulty and stress during their lives, prevention is an effective way to reduce the burden of mental health conditions.

With effective treatment, those individuals with mental health conditions can recover and lead full, productive lives and each business, school, government agency, healthcare provider, organization and citizen shares the burden of mental health problems and has a responsibility to promote mental wellness and support prevention efforts.

This was the theme behind the City of Brush proclamation, and on hand to see it through was licensed professional counselor Marta Sheridan who spends much of her time in Brush working with teens and children.

"May is Mental Health Month, and part of what I am trying to do is to increase awareness of mental health needs, primarily with students in the community," Sheridan said.

In the spirit of health and wellness, the Brush City Council also approved Resolution No. 2013-6, setting forth the City of Brush's commitment to the "HEAL City and Towns Campaign."

In November of 2012, LiveWell Colorado and the Colorado Municipal League agreed to work collaboratively on the Healthy Eating, Active Living (HEAL) Cities and Towns campaign in acknowledging the importance of sustaining strong, healthy and vibrant cities and towns.

As a non-profit organization committed to preventing and reducing obesity in the state by promoting healthy eating and active living in the places we live, work, learn and play.

With more children being diagnosed with diseases linked to overweight and obesity previously seen only in adults, the current generation of children are expected to have shorter lives than their parents.

As cities and towns themselves have the ability to impact opportunities for healthier lifestyles, the City of Brush has opted to take part in promoting the already active community through steps such as prioritizing capital improvement projects to increase opportunities for physical activity, plan and construct a built environment that encourages walking, biking and other forms of activity as well as address walking and biking connectivity between residential neighborhoods and schools, parks, retail and recreational sources.

According to council member Vicky Quinlin, who began the campaign when approached by LiveWell Colorado, the hope is to simply champion and model that behavior.

Future council priorities were also addressed at the regular meeting and included a list of items that council members and city staff had discussed during an April 15 retreat.

Top priorities include the continuation of improving water resources, water conservation efforts and upgrading of the water distribution system, ensuring economic development activities continue and improvements made as necessary with a heavy focus on pursuing a large business within 3 years, pursuing development of Hospital Road, storm water improvements with DOLA, CDOT or USDA funds for a drainage pond in 2014, and Quiet Zone evaluations in 2013.

Also approved at the session were:

A second reading of Ordinance No. 820-13, related to the unlawful ownership of a dangerous dog and confinement for rabies control.

Resolution No. 2013-7 authorizing participation with Colorado Surplus Asset Fund Trust (CSAFE) in order for council to pool its funds with other local government entities to diversify.

A Brush Museum Management Agreement, a contract visited each year by Museum Board and City Staff.

Dates to Remember

A few notable dates were brought up at the meeting, including National Drug Takeback Day, slated for Saturday, April 27, where Brush residents can participate at the East Morgan County Hospital from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Also, the City's annual Arbor Day celebration was postponed from last week. School children and anyone from the community are invited to take part during the event, now slated for Friday, April 26 at 1:30 p.m. at Memorial Park.

Public Works Director Dale Colerick noted that crews will soon take on potholes causing havoc through the streets of Brush. He also noted the Recycling Roundup is being held at Brush's Bank of Colorado on Saturday, April 27 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. where residents are encouraged to bring electronics.

Colerick added that as of July 1, 2013, the Morgan County landfill will no longer accept electronics, whether segregated or not, making this a prime opportunity.

Future agenda items

Mill Levy Override

During the visitors and delegation portion of the meeting, Brush Superintendent of Schools Dr. Michelle Johnstone promoted the many undertakings going on in the district.

"We are here because we will be needing some support," said Johnstone, "as we do have the potential of looking at a mill levy override."

According to school finance officer Aaron Oberg, school finance has been changing drastically over the past years. With schools' state share being cut by nearly 20 percent in the last three years, mill levy rates that fund both the government and school district may need an override, depending on how Senate bills on the matter might play out in the next few months.

Marijuana moratorium

During a work session held post-meeting, an ordinance imposing a moratorium on the operation of marijuana establishments and clubs, pursuant to Amendment 64, and declaring an emergency was put forth and will be seen as an action item during the next May 13 regular session.

In the proposed ordinance it is stated that the moratorium to be imposed by this emergency ordinance is intended to prevent the operation of marijuana establishments prior to the adoption of the regulatory framework contemplated by Amendment 64; to ensure that prospective operators and owners of marijuana establishments are able to make business and investment decisions with sufficient knowledge of local regulations; and that prohibition can be enforced in a fair and equitable manner.

The City Council finds it necessary to the public health, safety, and welfare to adopt this emergency ordinance imposing a moratorium on the operation of marijuana establishments.

According to the document's language, the moratorium will be in effect through Dec. 31, 2013, unless otherwise shortened, terminated or extended by the council.

During the effective term of this moratorium, no person shall operate a marijuana establishment, which shall include establishments created by Amendment 64 as described above, as well as marijuana clubs, in the city.

No city staff shall accept or process an application for a sales tax license, land use approval, building permit or any other license or permit in relation to the operation of a marijuana establishment or club.


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