Sunday, June 30, 2013

TEXAS: Palestinian student carrying Palestinan flag on Graduation Ceremony

Sea3, The Dat1111 of Israel.

(j/k, that's offensive to dat, lol)

"We all too often have socialism for the rich and rugged free market capitalism for the poor." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

It is not fear that motivates me. Freedom is my motivation.


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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Rescuers: American schooner sank

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) ? Rescue crews searching for a classic American schooner carrying seven people believe the boat sank between New Zealand and Australia, although they haven't given up hope of finding survivors.

A third day of aerial searches Friday turned up no sign of the 85-year-old wooden sailboat or its crew. Named Nina, the boat left New Zealand on May 29 bound for Australia. The last know contact with the crew was on June 4. Rescuers were alerted the boat was missing on June 14, but weren't unduly worried at first because the emergency locator beacon had not been activated.

The six Americans on board include captain David Dyche, 58, his wife Rosemary, 60, and their son David, 17. Also aboard was their friend Evi Nemeth, 73, a man aged 28, a woman aged 18, and a British man aged 35.

The leader of Friday's search efforts, Neville Blakemore at New Zealand's Rescue Coordination Centre, said it's now logical to assume the 70-foot (21-meter) boat sank in a storm but added it's possible some crew members survived either in the life raft that was aboard or by making land.

On the day the boat went missing, a storm hit the area with winds gusting up to 110 kilometers (68 miles) per hour and waves of up to 8 meters (26 feet).

Blakemore said the Southern Hemisphere winter months tend to produce the year's worst storms, although he added that he wouldn't normally expect a sturdy and well-maintained craft like the Nina to sink in a storm like the one in early June.

Friday's search focused on the coastline around northern New Zealand, including the small Three Kings Islands. Rescuers were looking for wreckage or the life raft.

Blakemore said plane searches earlier this week covered a wide band of ocean between New Zealand and Australia. He said searchers were considering their options for the weekend.

He said the logical conclusion is that the boat sank rapidly, preventing the crew from activating the locator beacon or using other devices aboard including a satellite phone and a spot beacon. He said that unlike many locator beacons, the one aboard the Nina is not activated by water pressure and wouldn't start automatically if the boat sank.

Dyche is a qualified captain and he and his family are experienced sailors. Blakemore said the family had been sailing around the world for several years and were often joined on different legs by friends and sailors they met along the way.

Susan Payne, harbor master of the St. Andrews Marina near Panama City, Florida, said the couple left Panama City in the Nina a couple of years ago and sailed to Mystic Seaport in Connecticut where they prepared for the trip.

New Zealand meteorologist Bob McDavitt was the last person known to have been in contact with the schooner, when the boat was about 370 nautical miles west of New Zealand.

He said Nemeth called him by satellite phone June 3 and said: "The weather's turned nasty, how do we get away from it?"

He advised them to head south and brace for the storm.

The next day he got a text, the last known communication: "ANY UPDATE 4 NINA? ... EVI"

McDavitt said he advised the crew to stay put and ride out the storm another day. He continued sending messages the next few days but didn't hear back. Friends of the crew got in touch with McDavitt soon after that, and then alerted authorities.


Associated Press writer Melissa Nelson-Gabriel in Pensacola, Florida, contributed to this report.


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Friday, June 28, 2013

Government plans to boost roads, rail in infrastructure plan

By William James

LONDON (Reuters) - The government promised on Thursday to upgrade roads and carry out what it said was the biggest rail investment in more than 100 years as part of its strategy to get the economy growing again while also keeping a tight lid on spending.

A day after Chancellor George Osborne announced cuts to government budgets worth 11.5 billion pounds in the 2015/16 fiscal year, his deputy Danny Alexander detailed the Conservative-led coalition's infrastructure plans.

Alexander described them as "the most comprehensive, ambitious and long-lasting capital investment plans this country has ever known."

Alexander announced 28 billion pounds would be spent by the government on improving roads from 2014 to 2020 and it would support 30 billion pounds in rail investments.

He also announced a multi-billion pound guarantee designed to help build a new nuclear power station at Hinkley Point and details of energy prices that the government will guarantee for offshore wind power developers.

The overall plan, worth a total of 100 billion pounds, put some flesh on the bones of 300 billion pounds in capital spending commitments set out until 2020.

The announcement did not amount to a new injection of cash as the government battles to eliminate a large budget deficit.

The Conservative party is seeking to set out its stall for the 2015 general election which is likely to be won or lost on how well the economy is performing. Thursday's announcement aimed to draw in private sector cash by instilling confidence in the government's commitment to infrastructure.

The opposition Labour party, which has previously urged more short-term spending to revive the economy but has been wary about committing itself to increased borrowing, kept up its criticism of the government for doing too little on investment.

"When is the government going to pull its finger out and actually start to build some of these things?" said Chris Leslie, a Labour lawmaker and a party spokesman for economic issues.

(Additional reporting by William Schomber, Rosalba O'Brien)


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In rebuff to Bloomberg, New York City Council curbs police power

By Francesca Trianni

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The New York City Council passed two measures to restrain police powers early on Thursday in direct defiance of Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has defended procedures such as "stop and frisk" as necessary to fight crime.

One creates an independent inspector general to monitor the New York Police Department (NYPD) over a seven-year period and make recommendations on how it could be improved. The other expands the definition of racial profiling and allows people who believe they have been profiled to sue police in state court.

Both were aimed at restricting the New York City Police Department's use of stop-and-frisk, a policy of stopping, questioning and frisking people suspected of wrongdoing. Minority groups, civil libertarians and some Democratic mayoral candidates have argued that police disproportionately target minorities, particularly young black and Hispanic men.

"I want to speak from my heart. I implore you, if you've never been a young black or Latino, male or female, in New York City, to please listen to us," said Jumaane Williams, a council member from Brooklyn who sponsored the bill.

Shortly after the vote, Bloomberg, who has made the fight against crime a centerpiece of his three terms in office, promised to veto both bills, forcing the council to hold another vote to override his veto.

Each passed the 51-member council with at least 34 votes, indicating both measures now have the two-thirds majority support to override a mayoral veto.

The inspector general bill passed 40-11 and the racial profiling bill 34-17. A crowd of more than 100 people burst into cheers when the 34th vote was counted after 2 a.m. (0600 GMT).

The vote came after the Washington Post reported that four Central Intelligence Agency officers were embedded with the NYPD in the decade after September 11, 2001, including one who helped conduct surveillance operations inside the United States.

The CIA inspector general found the collaboration was replete with "irregular personnel practice" and lacked adequate control by agency supervisors, the Post reported, citing an inspector general report it acquired from a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

"We're proud of our relationship with CIA and its training expertise," police spokesman Paul Browne said in response to the report, giving the program credit for helping New York avoid any new attacks since 2001.

The power of police and its effect on the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution have become defining issues in New York City's mayoral race. The amendment guards against unreasonable searches and seizures and requires probable cause for warrants.

A primary election has been scheduled for September 10, and the general election is set for November 5.

Bloomberg and New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly have vigorously defended stop and frisk, arguing that police make the most stops in minority neighborhoods because that is where crime rates are highest.

City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, a Democratic mayoral candidate and Bloomberg ally, broke with the mayor and supported the inspector general, though she voted against the bill on racial profiling.

Former Congressman Anthony Weiner, a front-runner in the race for mayor along with Quinn, has expressed general support for stop and frisk.

(Additional reporting by Mark Hosenball; Editing by Daniel Trotta and Elizabeth Piper)


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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Have a brain injury? You may be at higher risk for stroke

June 26, 2013 ? People who have a traumatic brain injury (TBI) may be more likely to have a future stroke, according to research that appears in the June 26, 2013, online issue of Neurology?, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

"Both stroke and traumatic brain injury are common, costly, and leading causes of severe disability in adults, and approximately 20 percent of strokes occur in adults under age 65," said study author James F. Burke, MD, MS, of the University of Michigan and the Ann Arbor VA Healthcare System and a member of the American Academy of Neurology. "A large proportion of stroke risk is unexplained, especially in the young, so if we can identify new risk factors, we have the potential to prevent more strokes and improve outcomes."

For the study, researchers looked at the records of adults who went to the emergency department or were admitted to a hospital for TBI or other trauma with no brain injury in the state of California during a five-year period.

A total of 435,630 people with traumatic brain injury were studied, along with 736,723 people with trauma with no brain injury. Over an average of 28 months following the injury, 11,229 people, or 1 percent, had an ischemic stroke. A total of 1.1 percent of those with TBI suffered a stroke, compared to 0.9 percent of those with trauma with no brain injury. With an ischemic stroke, blood flow to part of the brain is blocked. Eighty percent of strokes are ischemic.

After adjusting for factors that can affect stroke risk, such as age, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, as well as other disorders such as heart disease and the severity of the trauma, the researchers found that people with traumatic brain injury were 30 percent more likely to develop a stroke than those with trauma with no brain injury.

"While the stroke risk of one person with TBI is small, the overall link between TBI and stroke was substantial -- as large as the link between the strongest stroke risk factor, high blood pressure, and stroke," Burke said. "If further research establishes TBI as a new risk factor for stroke, that would stimulate research to help us understand what causes stroke after TBI and help us learn how to prevent these strokes." The study was supported by an advanced fellowship through the Department of Veterans Affairs.


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Pioneer's SC-79 uses HDBaseT to feed HDMI video throughout the home (hands-on video)

dnp  Pioneer's SC79 is the first to use HDBaseT for highquality video across rooms eyeson

In addition to showcasing its new speaker bar, Pioneer is talking up three audio-video receivers here at CE Week, including one that offers a pretty nifty industry first feature. Though the trio of home theater components are fairly similar, the SC-79 is the most notable, as it's the first such device to feature embedded HDBaseT support. That means it can deliver uncompressed HD video -- even 4K -- at distances of up to 300 feet using an Ethernet cable rather than HDMI. It's not yet a widely adopted spec, but it's especially useful for a multi-room setup, since it requires only one wired connection. That leads us to the other standout feature: the SC-79 can output audio and video to four zones simultaneously, and you can control media across multiple rooms via an Android or iOS app. All that functionality will cost you a pretty penny when the receiver launches in July: the MSRP is $3,000. See it in action right after the break.

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Wow! Justin Bieber Hooking Up With Married Woman?

Wow! Justin Bieber Hooking Up With Married Woman?

Justin Bieber with married woman?Jordan Ozuna, the attractive waitress Justin Bieber was spotted with last week, is still legally married. Her mother-in-law said Jordan is still actually married to her son Daniel, who is away overseas serving with the Coast Guard. Ozuna’s mother-in-law, Kim Ozuna, spoke to the media about her son Daniel and Jordan’s relationship. Jordan, a waitress ...

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Texas woman set to be 500th execution in state

HUNTSVILLE, Texas (AP) ? Texas, the nation's busiest death penalty state, is set to mark a solemn moment in criminal justice Wednesday with the execution of convicted killer Kimberly McCarthy.

If McCarthy is put to death in Huntsville as planned, she would become the 500th person executed in Texas since the state resumed carrying out the death penalty in 1982. The 52-year-old also would be the first woman executed in the U.S. since 2010.

McCarthy's attorney, Maurie Levin, said she has exhausted all efforts to block the execution, after denials by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.

"If there was something to appeal, I would," said Levin.

Texas has carried out nearly 40 percent of the more than 1,300 executions in the U.S. since the Supreme Court allowed capital punishment to resume in 1976. The state's standing stems from its size as the nation's second most populous state as well as its tradition of tough justice for killers.

With increased debate in recent years over wrongful convictions, some states have halted the practice entirely. However, 32 states have the death penalty on the books. Still, it's clear the debate over capital punishment has touched Texas, with lawmakers providing more sentencing options for juries and courts narrowing the cases for which death can be sought.

Dozens of protesters gathered outside the Huntsville prison ahead of the execution, carrying signs saying "Death Penalty: Racist and Anti-Poor," ''Stop All Executions Now" and "Stop Killing to Stop Killings." In recent years, Texas executions have generally drawn fewer than 10 protesters. About 40 people were protesting Wednesday afternoon.

Death penalty opponents used a small speaker and microphone to address the protesters, who were on a street corner about a block from the prison, in front of yellow police tape. About 15 to 20 officers stood on the other side of the tape.

"The death penalty is guilty and should be shut down. How dare the state carry out 500 executions," said Gloria Rubac, with the Texas Death Penalty Abolition Movement in Houston.

McCarthy faces execution for the 1997 robbery, beating and fatal stabbing of retired college psychology professor Dorothy Booth. Booth had agreed to give McCarthy a cup of sugar before she was attacked with a butcher knife at her home in Lancaster, about 15 miles south of Dallas. Authorities say McCarthy cut off Booth's finger to remove her wedding ring.

Police also had linked two other slayings to McCarthy, a former nursing home therapist who became addicted to crack cocaine.

In her appeals, McCarthy contended prosecutors improperly excluded black jurors and that her lawyers failed to challenge the moves at trial or in early appeals. McCarthy is black, and Booth was white. All but one of the 12 jurors at McCarthy's trial were white.

In January, McCarthy had been moved to a small holding cell a few steps from the Texas death chamber when a Dallas judge moved her execution to April. That timing then was reset for June when Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins said he wanted to await the outcome of capital punishment-related bills before lawmakers in Austin.

On Tuesday, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals declined to reconsider its denial a day earlier of McCarthy's appeal, saying her claims should have been raised previously.

Levin, a University of Texas law professor, said because the court's ruling focused on a procedural and not a substantive issue, the case cannot be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

"The shameful errors that plague Ms. McCarthy's case ? race bias, ineffective counsel and courts unwilling to exercise meaningful oversight of the system ? reflect problems that are central to the administration of the death penalty as a whole. For this to be the emblem of Texas' 500th execution is something all Texans should be ashamed of," Levin said.

McCarthy declined to speak with reporters as her execution date neared.

McCarthy would be the 13th woman nationwide and the fourth in Texas put to death since 1976. In the same period, more than 1,300 men have been executed nationwide, 496 of them in Texas. Virginia is a distant second, nearly 400 executions behind.

Federal statistics show that over the past three decades women account for about 10 percent of convicted murderers. According to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, there were 63 women on death row in the U.S. as of Jan. 1, representing 2 percent of the nation's 3,125 condemned prisoners.

Prosecutors showed that McCarthy stole Booth's Mercedes and drove to Dallas, pawned the wedding ring she had removed from the woman's severed finger for $200 and then went to a crack house to buy cocaine. Evidence also showed she used Booth's credit cards at a liquor store.

Booth's DNA was found on a 10-inch butcher knife recovered from McCarthy's home.

McCarthy blamed the crime on two drug dealers, but there was no evidence either existed.

Blood DNA evidence also tied McCarthy to the December 1988 slayings of 81-year-old Maggie Harding and 85-year-old Jettie Lucas. Harding was stabbed and beaten with a meat tenderizer, while Lucas was beaten with both sides of a claw hammer and stabbed.

McCarthy, who denied any involvement in the attacks, was indicted but not tried for those slayings.

McCarthy is a former wife of Aaron Michaels, founder of the New Black Panther Party, and he testified on her behalf. They had separated before Booth's slaying.


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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Asian neighborhoods: Separate but equal

Asian neighborhoods: Separate but equal [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Jun-2013
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Contact: Richard Turner
Brown University

Asians recently found to be the fastest growing minority group in the U.S. have been described as the least segregated minority group in the U.S. In fact, Chinese and Indians are segregated almost as highly as Hispanics, and Vietnamese segregation is almost as high as that of African Americans. At the same time, every Asian nationality except Vietnamese lives on average in neighborhoods with higher income and share of college-educated residents than do non-Hispanic whites. This pattern is especially strong in the suburbs, according to a new study released by the US2010 Project at Brown University.

"The key insight is that it is misleading to combine so many different groups Chinese, Indians, Filipinos, and more into the category of Asians," said John R. Logan, co-author ofthe report and Professor of Sociology at Brown University. "These nationalities include people who speak different languages, have different identities, and occupy very different positions in American society. They are actually nearly as segregated from one another as they are from whites."

The study used data from census sources for each decade from 1990 to 2010, looking closely at the composition of each separate Asian nationality group and noting characteristics of the neighborhoods where they lived. Asian's neighborhoods turn out to have substantially higher incomes and shares of college-educated residents than the neighborhoods that whites live in.

"We are so aware of the disadvantaged situation of blacks and Hispanics that we tend to assume that segregation results in unequal neighborhoods for minorities," said Professor Logan. "This isn't the case for any major Asian nationality. And that means there is very little incentive for Asians to assimilate into white neighborhoods. The alternative of the affluent ethnic community is a real option for these new Americans."


Download the full report here:

Funded by the Russell Sage Foundation and Brown University,the US 2010 research project examines changes in American society in the recent past.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Asian neighborhoods: Separate but equal [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Jun-2013
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Contact: Richard Turner
Brown University

Asians recently found to be the fastest growing minority group in the U.S. have been described as the least segregated minority group in the U.S. In fact, Chinese and Indians are segregated almost as highly as Hispanics, and Vietnamese segregation is almost as high as that of African Americans. At the same time, every Asian nationality except Vietnamese lives on average in neighborhoods with higher income and share of college-educated residents than do non-Hispanic whites. This pattern is especially strong in the suburbs, according to a new study released by the US2010 Project at Brown University.

"The key insight is that it is misleading to combine so many different groups Chinese, Indians, Filipinos, and more into the category of Asians," said John R. Logan, co-author ofthe report and Professor of Sociology at Brown University. "These nationalities include people who speak different languages, have different identities, and occupy very different positions in American society. They are actually nearly as segregated from one another as they are from whites."

The study used data from census sources for each decade from 1990 to 2010, looking closely at the composition of each separate Asian nationality group and noting characteristics of the neighborhoods where they lived. Asian's neighborhoods turn out to have substantially higher incomes and shares of college-educated residents than the neighborhoods that whites live in.

"We are so aware of the disadvantaged situation of blacks and Hispanics that we tend to assume that segregation results in unequal neighborhoods for minorities," said Professor Logan. "This isn't the case for any major Asian nationality. And that means there is very little incentive for Asians to assimilate into white neighborhoods. The alternative of the affluent ethnic community is a real option for these new Americans."


Download the full report here:

Funded by the Russell Sage Foundation and Brown University,the US 2010 research project examines changes in American society in the recent past.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Judge in Trayvon Martin case weighs police calls

SANFORD, Fla. (AP) ? Several times in six months, neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman called police to report suspicious characters in the gated townhouse community where he lived. Each time, when asked, he reported that the suspects were black males.

On Tuesday, the judge at Zimmerman's murder trial in the killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin listened to the five calls and weighed whether to let the jury hear them, too.

Prosecutors want to use them to bolster their argument that Zimmerman was increasingly frustrated with repeated burglaries and had reached a breaking point the night he shot the unarmed teenager.

The recordings show Zimmerman's "ill will," prosecutor Richard Mantei told Judge Debra Nelson.

"It shows the context in which the defendant sought out his encounter with Trayvon Martin," Mantei said.

Defense attorney Mark O'Mara argued that the calls were irrelevant and that nothing matters but the seven or eight minutes before Zimmerman fired the deadly shot into Martin's chest.

The prosecution is "going to ask the jury to make a leap from a good, responsible, citizen behavior to seething behavior," O'Mara said.

Prosecutors played the calls with the jurors out of the courtroom at the beginning of a day in which the state presented graphic photos of Martin's body, a police officer described trying to revive Martin as bubbling sounds came from his chest, and a police manager described how she helped Zimmerman set up the neighborhood watch.

In the calls, Zimmerman identifies himself as a neighborhood watch volunteer and recounts that his neighborhood has had a rash of recent break-ins. In one call, he asks that officers respond quickly since the suspects "typically get away quickly."

In another, he describes suspicious black men hanging around a garage and mentions his neighborhood had a recent garage break-in.

Zimmerman, 29, could get life in prison if convicted of second-degree murder for gunning down Martin as the young man walked from a convenience store. Zimmerman followed him in his truck and called a police dispatch number before he and the teen got into a fight.

Zimmerman has claimed self-defense, saying he opened fire after the teenager jumped him and began slamming his head against the concrete sidewalk.

Zimmerman, whose father is white and whose mother is Hispanic, has denied the confrontation with the black teenager had anything to do with race, as Martin's family and its supporters have charged.

On Tuesday, Day 2 of testimony, prosecutors called to the stand a Sanford police sergeant who was the second officer to arrive on the scene. Sgt. Tony Raimondo testified that he tried to seal a bullet wound in Martin's chest with a plastic bag and attempted mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

Bubbling sounds indicated air was escaping the teen's chest, Raimondo said. Martin was pronounced dead a short time later.

During Raimondo's testimony, prosecutors showed jurors a photo of a dead Martin face-down in the grass, another of Martin's body face up with his eyes slightly open, and a third of the bullet wound. Martin's father, Tracy Martin, walked out of the courtroom during the testimony.

Wendy Dorival, former coordinator of the Sanford Police Department's neighborhood watch program, testified how she had worked with Zimmerman to set up a watch in his neighborhood.

When asked by prosecutor John Guy if neighborhood watch participants should follow or engage with suspicious people, she said no.

"They are the eyes and ears of law enforcement," Dorival said. "They're not supposed to take matters into their own hands."

Similarly, Donald O'Brien, president of Zimmerman's homeowners association, said it was his understanding that neighborhood watch members are supposed to "stay at a safe distance" and "let the police handle it."

But Dorival said she was impressed with Zimmerman's professionalism and dedication to his community.

"He seemed like he really wanted to make changes in his community, to make it better," she said.


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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

'Full House' star Jodie Sweetin files for legal separation from ... - Zap2it

jodie-sweetin-secretly-married-gi.jpgThird time, apparently, was not the charm for "Full House" star Jodie Sweetin, as the actress has filed for legal separation from third husband, Morty Coyle.

TMZ reports that the former TGIF tween filed legal documents in L.A. County, citing irreconcilable differences. She and Coyle had only been married since March, 2012. The couple have one daughter, two-year-old Beatrix. Sweetin is asking for full custody.

She's also asked the judge to give her sole ownership of the 2000 Toyota Avalon, while asking that the judge force Coyle to split a $200 Kohl's credit card balance with her.

Sweetin and Coyle kept their marriage a secret for over a year, only revealing the truth after their first anniversary. "We had wanted to keep it quiet and intimate for a while, but felt that on our first wedding anniversary, it was time to share!" she told People in April 2013.

One wonders what changed so quickly.

Photo/Video credit: Getty Images

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Beamdog Hoping For Baldur's Gate III Despite 'Legal Hell' | Rock ...

By Nathan Grayson on June 24th, 2013 at 8:00 am.

He smiled once, but it was so long ago.

For a while there, it looked as though Baldur?s Gate had finally emerged from the dank dungeons of obscurity, prepared to crush modern glitz-and-glamour RPGs under a mountain of depth and 20-sided dice. But then things happened. Law things. Now Baldur?s Gate: Enhanced Edition is stuck in neutral ? with Beamdog unable to continue fixing some rather worrisome launch issues ? and Baldur?s Gate II: Enhanced Edition has been put on indefinite hold. Yikes. But are things really as bad as they sound? And where does this leave Baldur?s Gate III, which Beamdog described as a ?long-term goal? no so long ago? I got in touch with Beamdog head Trent Oster to find out.

?The prognosis [for resuming work on Baldur's Gate] is mixed,? he admitted to RPS. ?Best case, we can sort this out soon. Worst case, this could be in legal hell for a while. I like making games, but this contractual dispute bullshit keeps me up at night.?

As a result, the team hasn?t given up on Baldur?s Gate III, but the road to the pie-in-the-sky sequel just got a whole, whole lot rockier.

?Baldur?s?Gate?II: Enhanced Edition is on indefinite hold, as is the current patch,? said Oster. ?Baldur?s?Gate?III, we are still interested in the concept, but currently I?d say were very demoralized.?

That sentiment doesn?t bode particularly well, but Oster and co are trying their hardest to turn things around. For now, Beamdog can?t name which ?publishing partner? is hounding it, but it?s fairly safe to assume that they hold some serious sway. You don?t just take down your main moneymaker and slam the breaks on your next over a little squabble, after all.

So it?s a tricky situation. Here?s hoping for a resolution ? and a Baldur?s Gate III befitting of the series? standards ? sooner rather than later.


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Monday, June 24, 2013

Cheapflights: Top 10 Scenic Outdoor Music Venues

With the summer solstice here, now is the time many cultures actively embrace and celebrate live music. The lingering daylight and sultry evenings are prime time for outdoor concerts, and nothing amplifies the experience more than a breathtakingly beautiful setting. Read on for's venues of choice for settling in for a show, whether by a rock legend, local musicians and or full symphony, surrounded by some of the best nature, history and culture have to offer in terms of ambiance.

  • Red Rocks, Morrison, Colorado, United States

    More than a mile high and forged by over 160 million years of shifting sands and sandstone, Red Rocks is an amphitheater like no other. The natural acoustics, amazing surrounding landscape and big sky vistas combine to make a concert setting as truly outdoors as possible. And, if the star power coming from the sky isn?t enough of a draw, the star power on stage will get you. Imagine a line-up of intimate (fewer than 10,000 people and seats as close as 10 feet from the stage) shows from Sting, Darius Rucker, Big Head Todd, Widespread Panic, Robert Plant, the Doobie Brothers, Steely Dan, BB King and Peter Frampton and George Thorogood as your summer?s entertainment. That?s just a sampling of what?s on tap at Red Rocks in 2013. Search and compare <a href="" target="_hplink">cheap flights to Colorado</a>.

  • Slane Castle, County Meath, Ireland

    Along the shores of the River Boyne, 30 minutes north of Dublin, lies Slane Castle, the ancestral home of the Conyngham family. For over 300 years, that family has called the castle home but, for the last 30 plus years, so has rock and roll. Starting with Thin Lizzy in 1981, concerts in a natural amphitheater in the shadow of the castle have been a summer tradition at Slane. Now crowds of 80,000 people flock to the 1,500 acre estate for majestic shows from classic bands like the Rolling Stones (2007) to more modern favorites like Oasis (2009) and Kings of Leon (2011). This summer Bon Jovi will grace the grounds, giving audiences a mix of classic rock and regal living. U2 is best able to attest to life at the castle, having performed there three times and even lived and recorded there during the making of ?The Unforgettable Fire.? That?s what we call proof that U2 is music royalty in Ireland. Search and compare <a href="" target="_hplink">cheap flights to Ireland</a>.

  • Th??tre Antique d?Orange, Orange, France

    This classic Roman amphitheater showcases the setting and acoustics of the ancients. A UNESCO World Heritage site, Th??tre Antique features an incredibly preserved stage wall that bore witness to the shows of Roman times. Now the 100 meter (328 foot) long, 37 meter (120 foot) high wall serves as the backdrop to an annual opera festival, the Chor?gies d?Orange, and a diverse and international music line-up ranging from The Cure in 1986 to DJ Laurent Wolf?s 2009 ?Wash My World Festival? to upcoming shows by Chinese piano icon Lang Land and Italian opera duo Patrizia Ciofi and Leo Nucci. Audiences enjoy the excellent sound quality projected from the wall and marvel over the statue of Apollo at center stage and the columns and complex array of theater entrances and structures that date back thousands of years. The setting brings added resonance to the big voices (and names) it hosts. Search and compare <a href="" target="_hplink">cheap flights to France</a>.

  • The Gorge Amphitheater, George, Washington, United States

    The Columbia River canyon, the Cascade Mountains and The Who. That?s what you get as a show sitting on the lawn at The Gorge Amphitheater. The simple stage and hillside seating make it clear the scenery, a sweeping vista down Columbia River with a backdrop of the Cascade Mountains, and the music are the draws. The Who is just one of many big names to perform backed up by the gorgeous view. The Gorge has hosted everyone from David Bowie to the Dave Mathews Band and been the site of numerous festivals, including Lilith Fair and Lollapalooza. Look for John Mayer, Phish and Black Sabbath, among others, this summer. Search and compare <a href="" target="_hplink">cheap flights to Washington</a>.

  • Dalhalla, R?ttvik, Sweden

    It seems fitting that Earth, Wind and Fire is one of the acts coming to Dalhalla this summer. This limestone quarry turned music venue is another great example of the elements delivering a natural stage. Thanks to a meteorite strike that made the region ripe with limestone and 50 years of excavation, a perfectly shaped acoustic bowl emerged. Now crowds descend into the 55 meter (180 foot) deep, 400 meter (,1300 foot) long hole for the ultimate in surround sound experiences. The dramatic layers of rock that rise above just add to the visual effect. Look for Toto, Sting and Patti Smith to add their music to the mix this summer as well. Search and compare <a href="" target="_hplink">cheap flights to Sweden</a>.

  • Kootenay Lake, Kaslo, British Columbia, Canada

    Here?s a venue you won?t find every day. In fact, it only exists for a three-day music festival held each August. The stage for the Kaslo Jazz Festival floats just off the beach on a serene lakefront, with deep blue water, bobbing boats and even some distant hilltops as a backdrop. With attendees lounging in beach chairs or swimming around the stage, the whole event has a casual summertime feel. However, when the musicians take to the floating stage, the energy spikes and the crowd dives into the music as well. With performances from the likes of Tiempo Libre, Dave Brubeck and a host of other jazz, funk and blues performers, the festival (now in its 22nd year) offers a great combination of setting and sound. Search and compare <a href="" target="_hplink">cheap flights to British Columbia</a>.

  • Sarawak Cultural Village, Kuching, Borneo, Malaysia

    This outdoor museum is a living exhibit of the many tribes and cultures of Malaysia. Visitors can explore the homes and lifestyles of various native populations in this ethnically diverse region and are treated to daily dance and music performances. However, the biggest show is the annual Rainforest World Music Festival. For three days, the chance to see and explore cultures at the Sarawak Cultural Village goes global as music groups from Ireland, Korea, South Africa, Australia, Colombia and elsewhere take to the stage. Festival goers feast on the native rhythms from every corner of the world. And they do so deep in the rainforest of Borneo. Search and compare <a href="" target="_hplink">cheap flights to Malaysia</a>.

  • Odeon of Herodes Atticus, Athens, Greece

    Built initially between 160 and 174 AD by Herodes Atticus in memory of his wife, this amphitheater on the southern slope of the Acropolis is a storied as well as scenic venue. For more than 1,500 years, the Roman-style marble theater was little more than a ruin, damaged by fire and buried under farmland. However, as modern Greece emerged, so too did the Herodeon, as it is often called. Extensively restored in the middle of the 20th century, the Herodeon is a center piece of the annual Athens Festival, a summer long program of arts and entertainment dating back to 1955. In addition to hosting a summer of classical, jazz and folk performers for the Athens Festival including, this year, the Greek National Opera as well as Diana Krall and Haris Alexiou, the reborn ruin has been center stage for a number of historic music moments. Elton John, Sting, Yanni and Andrea Boccelli have all performed major events here in the shadow of the Acropolis. Search and compare <a href="" target="_hplink">cheap flights to Greece</a>.

  • Jones Beach Theater, Wantagh, NY, United States

    An iconic landmark for Long Island and the greater New York area, this waterfront amphitheater once had a true standout stage. It was on an island all its own with a moat separating the audience from the performers. A boat had to deliver the stars of the show to perform. The moat has since been filled in, but the feeling of seeing a show with the waves lapping at your feet remains. The Jones Beach Theater is part of the Jones Beach Park, a stretch of protected beaches just 33 miles (or a subway ride) from Manhattan. It features expansive views of picturesque Long Island Sound and the Atlantic as well as good acoustics for all 15,000 seats. And, in true New York style, even after taking a severe blow from Hurricane Sandy last fall, the show will go on at Jones Beach. The restoration efforts wrapped up just in time for the opening of the 2013 season. Expect to take in Fleetwood Mac, One Direction, Lil? Wayne and Train along with the view this summer. Search and compare <a href="" target="_hplink">cheap flights to New York</a>.

  • Ushua?a Beach Hotel, Ibiza, Spain

    There is a lot of scenery on this Spanish island, where the hot Mediterranean sun blazes. A renowned party spot, Ibiza is a mix of blue waters, stunning sunsets, big rock faces, large yachts and scantily clad tourists. In the midst of this scene lies Ushua?a Beach Hotel. Steps from the beach, the hotel features a courtyard with a giant asymmetrical pool and a stage that, from early afternoon, pulses with electronic music. A mix of local artists and DJs keeps the party going all summer with a dancing crowd surging every corner of the pool deck and the balconies of the overlooking hotel rooms. The high tech light show often keeps going until the rising sun takes over. Search and compare <a href="" target="_hplink">cheap flights to Spain</a>. Photo credit: Ushuaia Ibiza Beach Hotel/Palladium Hotel Group


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96% Stories We Tell

All Critics (77) | Top Critics (34) | Fresh (74) | Rotten (3)

Stories We Tell is not just very moving; it is an exploration of truth and fiction that will stay with you long after repeated viewings.

Part of the movie's pleasure is how comfortable the "storytellers" are with their director; you get a sense of a complicated but tight-knit family, going along with Sarah's project because they love her.

Never sentimental, never cold and never completely sure of anything, Polley comes across as a woman caught in wonder.

After you see it, you'll be practically exploding with questions - and with awe.

Stories We Tell is just the latest reminder of nonfiction film's current, endlessly innovative state. That's a story worth savoring.

The films greatest achievement is in how deeply mesmerising one woman's story can be, regardless of whether she's famous or not.

Honestly, it's one of the best things you'll see this year.

Polley's fearless personal journey is a huge achievement, a genuine revelation - but the less detail you know beforehand, the better. Go in cold, come out warmed.

Sarah Polley is often referred to in Canada as a 'national treasure'. She's far more than that. She's a treasure to the world - period. And so, finally, is her film.

An absorbing exercise not only in documentary excavation but in narrative construction.

Sarah Polley's exploration of her tangled family history is a complex and thoroughly fascinating inquiry into the nature of truth and memory -- and, inevitably, into Polley herself.

This is simply a gorgeously realised and warmly compiled family album, which lingers with us not because its subjects are so unusual and alien, but because they feel so close to home. What a success.

Sarah Polley's personal "documentary" suffers from one additional emotional beat too many. Otherwise, it's mesmerizing.

Polley interviews her family and acquaintances with remarkable candor and intimacy, perhaps as a method of catharsis, but it never feels like a vanity project or a simple airing of dirty laundry.

The great conceit of Polley's theories of perspective and truth is that she, as director, ultimately controlled everyone's memories because she arranged them on film.

As with her other films, when Sarah Polley takes it upon herself to tell us a story, you can bet it's a tale well-told and one that you'll want to hear.

What Stories We Tell does so brilliantly is both tell the story and tell about how we tell our stories. The truth may not be out there.

This is a warm, brave and thought-provoking piece of autobiography.

Stories We Tell shows us that the truth and the way its told are two very different things. Polley's wonderful documentary honors both by preferring neither.

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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Stuntwoman, pilot killed in Ohio air show crash

A stunt plane loses control as a wing walker performs at the Vectren Air Show just before crashing, Saturday, June 22, 2013, in Dayton, Ohio. The crash killed the pilot and the stunt walker instantly, authorities said. (AP Photo/Thanh V Tran)

A stunt plane loses control as a wing walker performs at the Vectren Air Show just before crashing, Saturday, June 22, 2013, in Dayton, Ohio. The crash killed the pilot and the stunt walker instantly, authorities said. (AP Photo/Thanh V Tran)

Flames erupt from a plane after a stunt plane crashed while performing with a wing walker at the Vectren Air Show, Saturday, June 22, 2013, in Dayton, Ohio. The crash killed the pilot and the wing walker instantly, authorities said. (AP Photo/Thanh V Tran)

A wing walker performs at the Vectren Air Show just before crashing, Saturday, June 22, 2013, in Dayton, Ohio. The crash killed the pilot and the stunt walker instantly, authorities said. (AP Photo/Thanh V Tran)

Flames erupt from a plane after it crashed at the Vectren Air Show at the airport in Dayton, Ohio. The crash killed the pilot and stunt walker on the plane instantly, authorities said. (AP Photo/Dayton Daily News, Ty Greenlees)

This photo provided provided WHIO TV shows a plane after it crashed Saturday, June 22, 2013, at the Vectren Air Show near Dayton, Ohio. There was no immediate word on the fate of the pilot, wing walker or anyone else aboard the plane. No one on the ground was hurt. (AP Photo/WHIO-TV)

CINCINNATI (AP) ? A budget analyst with a daredevil streak, Jane Wicker knew she was taking a risk when she signed up to entertain thousands of spectators at the Vectren Air Show near Dayton.

She said in a TV interview she felt confident of her ability and said on her website that lots of practice makes her signature stunt a "managed risk." She planned to hang underneath the plane's wing by her feet and sit on the bottom of the airplane while it was upside-down.

It wasn't clear Saturday what went so wrong. The biplane glided through the sky, rolled over, then crashed and exploded into flames, killing the wing walker and the pilot, authorities said. No one else was hurt.

A video posted on WHIO-TV shows the small plane turn upside-down as the performer sits on top of the wing. The plane then tilts and crashes to the ground, erupting into flames as spectators screamed.

Ian Hoyt, an aviation photographer and licensed pilot from Findlay, was at the show with his girlfriend. He told The Associated Press he was taking photos as the plane passed by and had just raised his camera to take another shot.

"Then I realized they were too low and too slow. And before I knew it, they hit the ground," he said.

He couldn't tell exactly what happened, but it appeared that the plane stalled and didn't have enough air speed, he said. He credited the pilot for steering clear of spectators and potentially saving lives.

"Had he drifted more, I don't know what would have happened," Hoyt said. He said he had been excited to see the show because he'd never seen the scheduled performer ? wing walker Jane Wicker ? in action.

The show was canceled for the rest of the day, but organizers said events would resume Sunday and follow the previous schedule and normal operations. The National Transportation Safety Board said it is investigating the crash.

On the video, the announcer narrates as the plane glides through the sky and rolls over while the stuntwoman perches on a wing.

"Now she's still on that far side. Keep an eye on Jane. Keep an eye on Charlie. Watch this! Jane Wicker, sitting on top of the world," the announcer said, right before the plane makes a quick turn and nosedive.

Federal records show the 450 HP Stearmans was registered to Wicker, who lived in Loudon, Va. A man who answered the phone at a number listed for Wicker on her website said he had no comment and hung up.

One of the pilots listed on Wicker's website was named Charlie Schwenker. A post on Jane Wicker Airshows' Facebook page announced the deaths of Wicker and Schwenker, and asked for prayers for their families.

A message left at a phone listing for Charles Schwenker in Oakton, Va., wasn't immediately returned.

Dayton International Airport spokeswoman Linda Hughes and Ohio State Highway Patrol Lt. Anne Ralston confirmed that a pilot and stunt walker had died but declined to give their names. The air show also declined to release their identities.

Another spectator, Shawn Warwick of New Knoxville, told the Dayton Daily News that he was watching the flight through binoculars.

"I noticed it was upside-down really close to the ground. She was sitting on the bottom of the plane," he said. "I saw it just go right into the ground and explode."

Thanh Tran of Fairfield said he could see a look of concern on the wing walker's face just before the plane went down.

"She looked very scared," he said. "Then the airplane crashed on the ground. After that, it was terrible, man ... very terrible."

Wicker's website says she responded to a classified ad from the Flying Circus Airshow in Bealeton, Va., in 1990, for a wing-walking position, thinking it would be fun. She was a contract employee who worked as a Federal Aviation Administration budget analyst, the FAA said.

She talked to WDTN-TV in an interview this week about her signature stunt.

"I'm never nervous or scared because I know if I do everything as I usually do, everything's going to be just fine," she told the station.

Wicker wrote on her website that she had never had any close calls.

"What you see us do out there is after an enormous amount of practice and fine tuning, not to mention the airplane goes through microscopic care. It is a managed risk and that is what keeps us alive," she wrote.

In 2011, wing walker Todd Green fell 200 feet to his death at an air show in Michigan while performing a stunt in which he grabbed the skid of a helicopter.

In 2007, veteran stunt pilot Jim LeRoy was killed at the Dayton show when his biplane slammed into the runway while performing loop-to-loops and caught fire.

Organizers were presenting a trimmed-down show and expected smaller crowds at Dayton after the Air Force Thunderbirds and other military participants pulled out this year because of federal budget cuts.

The air show, one of the country's oldest, usually draws around 70,000 people and has a $3.2 million impact on the local economy. Without military aircraft and support, the show expected attendance to be off 30 percent or more.


Thomas reported from Philadelphia. Associated Press writers Kerry Lester in Chicago and Randy Pennell in Philadelphia contributed to this report.



Raw video of crash:

Associated Press


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Idolian Mini Studio

Like most Apple copycats, the Idolian Mini Studio ($178 direct) looks the part, but is a far cry from the iPad mini?it shamelessly apes. It's more of a scaled down Studio 10, with essentially the same internal components and software, but a smaller and lower-resolution display. If you're on a strict budget, the Mini Studio will net you basic tablet functions on the cheap, but spending just a bit more can get you a vastly superior Google Nexus 7?or Amazon Kindle Fire HD. And if you want to go even lower, the Coby MID8065?offers similar performance and features for less.

Design and Features
The Mini Studio is a tweener, with its 8-inch screen and 4:3 aspect ratio?clearly aimed to mimic the iPad mini. At 8.2 by 6.4 by 0.39 inches (HWD) and 14.8 ounces, it's relatively thin and light, but still doesn't come close to matching the fit or finish of the iPad. It feels more solidly built than the MID8065?and is a bit lighter to boot.?The aluminum back is sturdy, but the edges can feel sharp and dig into your palms over time.

A plastic panel along the left edge houses a microSD card slot, a 3.5mm headphone jack, micro USB and mini HDMI ports, and a DC power input. Like the Studio 10, the Mini Studio syncs via micro USB, but requires the included power brick to charge. The micro USB port also supports USB OTG, and Idolian includes an adapter for plugging in peripherals like USB mice and keyboards?both of which worked fine in my tests. It's a generous selection of ports compared with the Nexus 7 or the Kindle Fire HD.?

The 8-inch, 1,024-by-768 IPS display is sharp, but it's a bit too dim and colors appear too cool. Whites have a distinct blue hue to them and outdoor visibility is pretty bad. The Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire HD have sharper and brighter displays, while the iPad mini easily trounces the Mini Studio. It's about on par with the display on the MID8065.

This is a Wi-Fi-only tablet that connects to 802.11b/g/n networks on the 2.4GHz frequency. During testing, the Mini Studio had some trouble reconnecting to Wi-Fi networks when woken from sleep?there were noticeable delays even though saved networks were within range. The tablet also supports Bluetooth 2.1 and connected easily with a pair of wireless headphones.

Performance and Android
The Mini Studio is packing pretty much identical specs to its larger sibling?a dual-core 1.6GHz Cortex-A9 processor with 1GB RAM. Performance is generally swift, and the Studio 10 did well on most of our benchmarks?besting the MID8065 in many categories. Gaming performance is decent, with games like Temple Run 2 running without a hitch, but don't expect high framerates on more graphically intensive games like Real Racing 3.

The software loaded onto the Mini Studio is a mixed bag. It's running Android 4.1.1 "Jelly Bean," which is a step up from the MID8065's 4.0 "Ice Cream Sandwich," but buggy Google apps hold this tablet back. Google apps like the Play Store, Gmail, and Chrome are disabled by default?you have to dig into the settings, find Developer options, then uncheck "Hide Google Application." Idolian says it is still working out the kinks with its Google certification, but promised future firmware updates to resolve any bugs. As it stands, the Mini Studio can access the Play Store and its hundreds of thousands of apps, but I found frustrating deficiencies, like the fact that Chrome did not work during testing.

For media support, the Studio 10 handles Xvid, DivX, MPEG4, H.264, and AVI videos at up to 1080p resolution. For audio, you get MP3, AAC, FLAC, OGG, WAV, and WMA support. Screen mirroring worked fine using a mini HDMI cable, and the tablet was able to output video at 720p or 1080p resolution. If you absolutely need a camera on your tablet, there are front- and rear-facing 2-megapixel cameras, but they are not worth using?details are smudged, image noise is overwhelming, and dynamic range is non-existent.

In our battery rundown test, which loops a video with screen brightness set to max and Wi-Fi on, the Mini Studio lasted 4 hours, 55 minutes. Compare that with the MID8065's 3 hours, 11 minutes and the Nexus 7's 10 hours, 30 minutes in the same test?it's decent, but not great.

When it comes to small-screen tablets, you have a lot of great options, even in the budget-conscious realm. While the Idolian Mini Studio looks and feels like a premium tablet, it's lacking the software refinement that makes tablets like the Nexus 7 or Amazon Kindle Fire HD stand out. On top of that, there are a few clear compromises in terms of display quality and software polish. If you simply want the least expensive and functional tablet, the Amazon Kindle Fire (2012)?is still a good choice too. I'd recommend any of these tablets over the Mini Studio, and if you really need the microSD card slot and HDMI out, the MID8065 is a better value.?


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Ohio air show resumes after stuntwoman, pilot die

CINCINNATI (AP) ? An air show in southwestern Ohio reopened with a moment of silence Sunday, a day after a pilot and wing walker died in a horrifying, fiery crash in front of thousands of spectators.

The Vectren Air Show near Dayton closed after Saturday's crash but resumed Sunday in honor of pilot Charlie Schwenker and veteran stuntwoman Jane Wicker, both of Virginia.

The two were killed when their plane crashed suddenly in front of spectators who screamed in shock as the aircraft quickly was engulfed in flames. No one else was hurt.

Video of the crash showed their plane gliding through the sky before abruptly rolled over, crashing and exploding into flames. Wicker had been sitting atop the 450 HP Stearmans.

The decision to resume the show a day after the crash was an emotional one supported by Wicker's ex-husband, said air show general manager Brenda Kerfoot.

"He said, 'This is what Jane and Charlie would have wanted,'" Kerfoot said. "'They want you to have a safe show and go out there and do what you do best.'"

Wicker, 44, of Loudon, Va., was a mother of two boys and engaged to be married, Kerfoot said. Schwenker, 64, of Oakton, Va., was married.

The cause of the crash is unclear and the conclusion of an investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board likely will take months.

Debris from the crash was cleared Saturday after investigators collected what they needed.

Wicker, a seasoned wing walker, was performing Saturday at the Dayton air show for the first time.

Wicker's website says she responded to a classified ad from the Flying Circus Airshow in Bealeton, Va., in 1990, for a wing-walking position, thinking it would be fun. She was a contract employee who worked as a Federal Aviation Administration budget analyst, the FAA said.

In one post on Wicker's site, the stuntwoman explains what she loved most about her job.

"There is nothing that feels more exhilarating or freer to me than the wind and sky rushing by me as the earth rolls around my head," says the post. "I'm alive up there. To soar like a bird and touch the sky puts me in a place where I feel I totally belong. It's the only thing I've done that I've never questioned, never hesitated about and always felt was my destiny."

She also answered a question she said she got frequently: What about the risk?

"I feel safer on the wing of my airplane than I do driving to the airport," she wrote. "Why? Because I'm in control of those risks and not at the mercy of those other drivers."

A program for the air show touted Wicker as performing "heart-stopping" feats and who did moves that "no other wing walker is brave enough to try."

"Wing riding is not for this damsel; her wing walking style is the real thing," the program said. "With no safety line and no parachute, Jane amazes the crowd by climbing, walking, and hanging all over her beautiful ... aircraft.

"Spectators are sure to gasp as this daredevil demonstrates in true form the unbelievable art of wing walking," it says.

On the video of the crash, an announcer narrates as Wicker's plane glides through the air.

"Keep an eye on Jane. Keep an eye on Charlie. Watch this! Jane Wicker, sitting on top of the world," the announcer said, right before the plane makes a quick turn and nosedive.

Some spectators said they knew something was wrong because the plane was flying low and slow.

Thanh Tran, of Fairfield, said he could see a look of concern on Wicker's face just before the plane went down.

"She looked very scared," he said. "Then the airplane crashed on the ground. After that, it was terrible, man ... very terrible."

In 2011, wing walker Todd Green fell 200 feet to his death at an air show in Michigan while performing a stunt in which he grabbed the skid of a helicopter.

In 2007, veteran stunt pilot Jim LeRoy was killed at the Dayton show when his biplane slammed into the runway while performing loop-to-loops and caught fire.

Organizers were presenting a trimmed-down show and expected smaller crowds at Dayton after the Air Force Thunderbirds and other military participants pulled out this year because of federal budget cuts.

The air show, one of the country's oldest, usually draws around 70,000 people and has a $3.2 million impact on the local economy. Without military aircraft and support, the show expected attendance to be off 30 percent or more.



Raw video of crash:


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