Friday, May 31, 2013

Microsoft promo: buy a Surface RT, get a free keyboard cover (updated)

Microsoft promo buy a Surface RT, get a free Touch or Type Cover

There's no question that the Surface RT comes into its own with a keyboard cover; we can't imagine using the tablet unadorned. Microsoft can't, either, as it's launching a promo that gives the covers away. Americans and Canadians who buy the Windows RT slate between now and the end of June can get either the Touch Cover or the Type Cover for free, no matter which color they fancy. Surface Pro customers are out of luck, but it's hard to dispute the value for prospective Surface RT owners -- the deal amounts to at least a $100 discount on the touch PC's real-world price.

Update: To be clear, this promo has been running in other countries; it's just now debuting in North America, however.

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Source: Microsoft Store


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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Cardio and weight training reduces access to health care in seniors

May 14, 2013 ? Forget apples -- lifting weights and doing cardio can also keep the doctors away, according a new study by researchers at the University of British Columbia and Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute.

The study, published today in the online journal PLOS ONE, followed 86 women, aged 70- to 80-years-old, who were randomly assigned to participate in weight training classes, outdoor walking classes, or balance and toning classes (such as yoga and pilates) for six months. All participants have mild cognitive impairment, a well-recognized risk factor for Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

The researchers tabulated the total costs incurred by each participant in accessing a variety of health care resources.

"We found that those who participated in the cardio or weight training program incurred fewer health care resources -- such as doctor visits and lab tests -- compared to those in the balance and toning program," says Jennifer Davis, a postdoctoral fellow and lead author of the study.

The study is the latest in a series of studies that assess the efficacy of different types of training programs on cognitive performance in elderly patients. An earlier study, published in February in the Journal of Aging Research, showed aerobic and weight training also improved cognitive performance in study participants. Those on balance and toning programs did not.

"While balance and toning exercises are good elements of an overall health improvement program, you can't 'down-dog' your way to better brain health," says Teresa Liu-Ambrose, an Associate Professor in the UBC Faculty of Medicine and a member of the Brain Research Centre at UBC and VCH Research Institute. "The new study also shows that cardio and weight training are more cost-effective for the health care system."

Background: Exercise benefits for the brain

The new studies build on previous research by Prof. Liu-Ambrose, Canada Research Chair in Physical Activity, Mobility, Cognitive Neuroscience and a member of the Centre for Hip Health & Mobility, where she found that once- or twice-weekly weight training may help minimize cognitive decline and impaired mobility in seniors.

Research method

The weight training classes included weighted exercises targeting different muscle groups for a whole-body workout. The aerobic training classes were an outdoor walking program targeted to participants' age-specific target heart rate. The balance and toning training classes were representative of exercise programs commonly available in the community such as Osteofit, yoga, or Tai Chi.


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Idaho spud giant bets on biotech potatoes

BOISE, Idaho (AP) ? A dozen years after a customer revolt forced Monsanto to ditch its genetically engineered potato, an Idaho company aims to resurrect high-tech spuds.

This month, tuber processing giant J.R. Simplot Co. asked the U.S. government to approve five varieties of biotech potatoes. They're engineered not to develop ugly black bruises ? McDonald's, which gets many of its fries from Simplot, rejects those. They're also designed to have less of a natural but potentially cancer-causing neurotoxin, acrylamide.

Much has changed in 12 years, according to the Boise-based company.

Unlike transgenic varieties Monsanto commercialized in the 1990s using genes from synthetic bacteria to kill insect pests, Simplot's new "Innate"-brand potatoes use only potato genes.

Haven Baker, Simplot's Yale- and Harvard University-trained vice-president of plant sciences, said his scientists journeyed inside the vegetable's genome to "silence" unwanted attributes, while making sure it remained 100 percent potato.

"You'll never get as much beneficial effect from traditional plant breeding," he said. "And it'll take twice as long."

Those in the industry remember Monsanto's ill-fated foray and say Simplot's major challenge in avoiding a similar fate is ensuring its product is acceptable among growers, processors and, ultimately, people eating it.

"Unless your customers are prepared to embrace this product, it's not going to be successful," said Frank Muir, president of the Idaho Potato Commission that represents Idaho's $3 billion industry. His group, whose website currently boasts Idaho potatoes aren't genetically engineered, hasn't weighed in on Simplot's endeavor.

But Muir does think the company is making the right moves: Reaching out to the industry, as well as consumers who may eventually buy Innate potatoes as big, un-bruised bakers or golden fries. "They're taking all the appropriate steps."

As the USDA and Food and Drug Administration embark on vetting Simplot's potatoes, the agencies are nearing completion of a similar review of a genetically engineered apple created by a Canadian company, Okanogan Specialty Fruits, to resist browning when cut.

The apple industry has opposed Okanogan's "Arctic" apple, on grounds it could create marketing headaches for growers of unmodified apples. Christian Schlect, the Northwest Horticultural Council president, said he hopes the potatoes go to market first.

"We'd just assume the potato people take the initial foray on marketing this technology, and we'll follow their experience," he said.

In fact, the two products, should they win the government's blessing, could hit customers about the same time, 2015 or 2016.

Baker said with Simplot's new potatoes, growers would earn more money with less wastage from bruising, something that can affect up to 5 percent of their harvest. Additionally, the spuds are designed to produce acrylamide levels so low they skirt California's strict, voter-mandated cancer labels on french fries and potato chips, he said.

McDonald's didn't return a call seeking comment about the tubers. A big Simplot processing rival, ConAgra, says its potatoes are not genetically engineered.

Twelve years on, St. Louis-based Monsanto remains tight lipped about jettisoning its "New Leaf" potatoes ? engineered, among other things, to kill Colorado potato beetles. That was a business decision "not influenced by any negative reaction to genetically-modified organisms," spokeswoman Carly Scaduto said.

But experts say plunging interest ? including from Simplot, which told farmers in Idaho and North Dakota in 2000 to quit planting New Leaf potatoes after restaurants like McDonald's banished them from their fryers ? drove the spuds from the fields. Monsanto's biotech potatoes, planted on 55,000 acres in North America in 1996, disappeared by 2002.

Joe Guenther, a University of Idaho professor of agricultural economics, in 2011 won funding from Simplot to survey potato industry players about re-introducing genetically engineered potatoes into the food chain. His conclusion: It could succeed, provided potatoes were modified with potato genes, not foreign microorganisms that in the 1990s spawned terms like "frankenfood."

"The Monsanto product crossed that species line," Guenther said. "The exciting thing about the Simplot product is, it stays within the potato species."

Another thing Guenther's 2011 report said would help was backing from an environmental group, something that remains a scarce commodity. Groups worried about corporations commandeering potato genes a decade ago remain no less alarmed.

Bill Freese, science policy analyst with Washington, D.C.-based Center for Food Safety, said Simplot's potatoes join a litany of other genetically engineered crops that don't face rigorous-enough USDA or FDA testing.

While Simplot's Baker said 20 field trials demonstrate Innate potatoes exhibit characteristics virtually identical to their unmodified cousins, Freese painted a darker picture: Genetic engineering is a noisy, unpredictable process, where the best-intentioned genome tinkering could be accompanied by unforeseen effects on human health and the environment.

Freese said the absence of long-term animal feeding trials and labeling requirements is also cause for worry, since potatoes are staple crops people eat directly. Freese predicted Innate potatoes will fail, just like Monsanto's did.

"The question is why do they continue to so miscalculate public perception?" he said. "The biotech approach is to change the food on a genetic level in quite frankly risky ways with inadequate regulation to adapt a crop to an industrial food system that's really unhealthy in so many ways."

Simplot's Baker pointed to, among other sources, the FDA, which says genetically-engineered foods it reviews meets the same safety requirements as those from traditionally-bred plants. "The nutrients and allergens are no different from conventional potatoes," he said.

The Washington, D.C.-based National Potato Commission, representing 45,000 U.S. growers, learned of Simplot's plans several months ago. Chief Executive Officer John Keeling said it supports scientific advancements to improve potatoes, but has advised Simplot to avoid past mistakes.

For instance, some Monsanto tubers found their way into Japan, where they weren't approved. After that, Japan-bound U.S. potatoes had to be tested, he said.

"If some parts of the marketplace are saying they don't want Innate technology and others want it, you've got to be able to address both of those issues." Keeling said. "Simplot seems to have taken to heart the thoughts that we had."

Simplot is seeking approval in Japan, as well as Canada, Mexico and South Korea.


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Making gold green: New non-toxic method for mining gold

May 14, 2013 ? Northwestern University scientists have struck gold in the laboratory. They have discovered an inexpensive and environmentally benign method that uses simple cornstarch -- instead of cyanide -- to isolate gold from raw materials in a selective manner.

This green method extracts gold from crude sources and leaves behind other metals that are often found mixed together with the crude gold. The new process also can be used to extract gold from consumer electronic waste.

Current methods for gold recovery involve the use of highly poisonous cyanides, often leading to contamination of the environment. Nearly all gold-mining companies use this toxic gold leaching process to sequester the precious metal.

"The elimination of cyanide from the gold industry is of the utmost importance environmentally," said Sir Fraser Stoddart, the Board of Trustees Professor of Chemistry in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences. "We have replaced nasty reagents with a cheap, biologically friendly material derived from starch."

Sir Fraser's team discovered the process by accident, using simple test tube chemistry. A series of rigorous follow-up investigations provided evidence for the competitive strength of the new procedure.

The findings will be published May 14 in the online journal Nature Communications.

Zhichang Liu, a postdoctoral fellow in Stoddart's lab and first author of the paper, took two test tubes containing aqueous solutions -- one of the starch-derived alpha-cyclodextrin, the other of a dissolved gold (Au) salt (called aurate) -- and mixed them together in a beaker at room temperature.

Liu was trying to make an extended, three-dimensional cubic structure, which could be used to store gases and small molecules. Unexpectedly, he obtained needles, which formed rapidly upon mixing the two solutions.

"Initially, I was disappointed when my experiment didn't produce cubes, but when I saw the needles, I got excited," Liu said. "I wanted to learn more about the composition of these needles."

"Nature decided otherwise," said Stoddart, a senior author of the paper. "The needles, composed of straw-like bundles of supramolecular wires, emerged from the mixed solutions in less than a minute."

After discovering the needles, Liu screened six different complexes -- cyclodextrins composed of rings of six (alpha), seven (beta) and eight (gamma) glucose units, each combined with aqueous solutions of potassium tetrabromoaurate (KAuBr4) or potassium tetrachloroaurate (KAuCl4).

He found that it was alpha-cyclodextrin, a cyclic starch fragment composed of six glucose units, that isolates gold best of all.

"Alpha-cyclodextrin is the gold medal winner," Stoddart said. "Zhichang stumbled on a piece of magic for isolating gold from anything in a green way."

Alkali metal salt waste from this new method is relatively environmentally benign, Stoddart said, while waste from conventional methods includes toxic cyanide salts and gases. The Northwestern procedure is also more efficient than current commercial processes.

The supramolecular nanowires, each 1.3 nanometers in diameter, assemble spontaneously in a straw-like manner. In each wire, the gold ion is held together in the middle of four bromine atoms, while the potassium ion is surrounded by six water molecules; these ions are sandwiched in an alternating fashion by alpha-cyclodextrin rings. Around 4,000 wires are bundled parallel to each other and form individual needles that are visible under an electron microscope.

"There is a lot of chemistry packed into these nanowires," Stoddart said. "The elegance of the composition of single nanowires was revealed by atomic force microscopy, which throws light on the stacking of the individual donut-shaped alpha-cyclodextrin rings."

The atomic detail of the single supramolecular wires and their relative disposition within the needles was uncovered by single crystal X-ray crystallography.

The research -- a prime example of serendipity at work, brought to fruition by contemporary fundamental science -- is poised to find technological application. This basic science has been forged by the team into a practical labscale process for the isolation of gold from scrap alloys.


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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sony's Xperia ZR is a new, smaller waterproof handset

Xperia ZR

Basically a shrunken down, mid-level Xperia Z

Sony has expanded its Xperia Z family today with the new, 4.55-inch Xperia ZR. Packing many of the same internal components -- and Xperia Z-like waterproof capabilities, (rated IP55 and IP58) the ZR will represent Sony in the mid to high-end space. In fact, Sony's touting its higher IP rating (the Xperia Z is rated IP55 and IP57) as making the ZR ideal for underwater HD video recording, if that's your thing.

Under the hood it's running a 1.5GHz quad-core CPU -- the same Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro that's powering Xperias Z and ZL -- with 2GB of RAM, 8GB of internal storage and a microSD slot. On the front there's a 4.55-inch 720p display (in places described as a 4.6-inch panel, so go figure), and around the back is a 13-megapixel Sony Exmor RS camera with LED flash. All in all, a respectable set of components, and the ZR's curved back should make it a good deal more comfortable to hold than its brick-like sibling.

Sony's press release says the Xperia ZR includes LTE support, but the official spec sheet only mentions HSPA+, so it's possible this may depend on which market you're in. As far as HSPA+ connectivity is concerned, it seems there'll be one version supporting 900 and 2100MHz (for Europe) and another with 850, 1700, 1900 and 2100MHz support, likely for North America.

The Xperia ZR will land in "various global markets" during Q2, so make of that what you will.

Source: Sony MobilePress Release (PDF)



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How to Make Money on eBay ? Basic Things to Know as a Seller ...

Discovering how to make money on eBay can be very exciting. Actually eBay is a multinational American online corporation that is causing waves on the internet. It was established in 1995 with its headquarters located in San Jose, California. It?s an online auction and shopping resource that attracts millions of users on daily basis. You can purchase all manner of products and services through the resource. You can easily make lots of cash by becoming a seller on eBay. To succeed in this, there are basic things you need to know. Take a look at these points outlined below to learn how to make money on eBay.

How to make money on eBay ? Points to Note

To discover how to make money on eBay, you?ve to not the following tips

  • You need to learn about eBay selling fees when looking for how to make money on eBay. Basically the company charges 4 types of fees to sellers. The first is the insertion fee which is demanded when you list an item. The second is fees for upgrading your listing. The third is the value fee which is usually based on the selling price of your item and the fourth is the fees required when you collect payment for your sold products through PayPal.
  • You?re expected to choose the right format when hosting your item on eBay. You can choose a fixed price format.
  • You have to market your item smartly in order to attract more sales. You can start with an informative title with unique keywords. You?ll also describe your product smartly.
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Final words on how to make money on eBay

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About The Author: David Arriaga

David Arriaga is a Internet Marketer that has learn the secrets to generating leads and converting them to sales. The Empower Network has helped me to form the mindset,habits,tactics and skills that it has taken for me to become a successful Entrepreneur.


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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Learning to recycle: Does political ideology matter?

May 14, 2013 ? Some targeted messages based on political orientation are more effective at persuading consumers to recycle, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research.

"Given the sharp differences in attitudes toward sustainability, surprisingly little attention has been paid to understanding how to appeal to differences in political orientation in order to influence recycling. Unique appeals targeted to liberals and conservatives may be more effective at getting them to adopt environmentally conscious behaviors," write authors Blair Kidwell (The Ohio State University), Adam Farmer, and David M. Hardesty (both University of Kentucky).

In one study, consumers were asked about their recycling intentions after reading various appeals. Consumers who call themselves liberals were more enthusiastic about recycling when the focus was on fairness and reducing harm to others to create a sense of feeling good. Meanwhile, consumers who call themselves conservatives were more likely to express an intention to recycle when appeals focused on group membership, duty, or obligation to authority.

In another interesting study, consumers were asked about their intentions to recycle, purchase CFL light bulbs, and conserve water after reading persuasive appeals. Consumers who call themselves conservatives showed greater commitment to sustainable behaviors when the appeals were accompanied by patriotic images, while appeals displaying a well-known charity (Habitat for Humanity) had a greater influence on consumers who call themselves liberals.

"While there has been progress in getting consumers to embrace recycling, much remains to be done to uncover new ways to increase sustainable behavior. Persuasive appeals consistent with underlying political ideology can influence both sustainable intentions and behavior," the authors conclude.


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De La Rosa dominates, Rockies beat Cardinals 8-2

ST. LOUIS (AP) ? Jorge De La Rosa answered a pair of pitching gems by the St. Louis Cardinals with one of his own. The Colorado Rockies' offense woke up, too.

De La Rosa held St. Louis hitless into the seventh inning and Troy Tulowitzki's three-run homer ended Colorado's scoreless streak at 28 innings, sending the Rockies to an 8-2 victory Sunday.

"I definitely think it was a big hit and it took some pressure off Jorge," Tulowitzki said. "He didn't feel like he had to be perfect, even though he was real close to being perfect."

De La Rosa did not allow a hit until David Freese's two-out single in the seventh.

"You try to stay calm," the pitcher said. "I think that helps, but I started feeling tired the last few innings. I think that's why I left a couple of pitches up and they hit (them) very good."

Mets lefty Johan Santana pitched a no-hitter against the Cardinals last year. Freese flashed back to that game, which ended when he struck out.

"You never want to lose a game. You never want to get no-hit, either," Freese said. "I remember last year it was pretty frustrating against Santana and it was creeping up on us.

"So it was nice to get it out of the way."

Charlie Blackmon added a two-run homer off Jaime Garcia (4-2) for the Rockies, who snapped a four-game skid. They finished with 11 hits after totaling three in consecutive shutout losses to rookie Shelby Miller and Adam Wainwright.

"Jaime definitely had a couple of pretty tough acts to follow," Cardinals manager Mike Matheny said. "He came out and looked pretty good at the beginning, and had a couple things happen that didn't quite go his way."

Nolan Arenado, who singled with one out in the eighth to break up Wainwright's no-hit bid Saturday, was among four Rockies with two hits apiece.

"It's too good of an offensive lineup to stay down too long," manager Walt Weiss said. "Tulo had a big home run that got us going."

The Cardinals lost for just the second time in 11 games. Pinch-hitter Matt Adams' RBI single off Matt Belisle in a two-run ninth ended Colorado's shutout bid.

De La Rosa (4-3) struck out seven and allowed two hits in seven innings, baffling the Cardinals until Freese singled sharply to right off the glove of diving first baseman Jordan Pacheco and Jon Jay followed with a double. De La Rosa finished his longest outing of the season, and his best showing on the road by far, by getting Pete Kozma on a lineout to first.

De La Rosa entered 1-3 with a 5.13 ERA on the road and 2-0 at home with 12 scoreless innings. This was the fourth time he worked six or more scoreless innings, and he carries a 13-inning scoreless streak into his next outing.

Tulowitzki's eighth homer and first on the road since April 9 stopped the Rockies' scoreless streak two innings shy of the team record. They went 30 innings without a run from Sept. 30 to Oct. 3, 2010, according to STATS.

The Rockies entered the weekend with the top offense in the National League and still led with a .266 batting average going into the finale of the three-game series. Tulowitzki was 0 for 6 in the first two games with five strikeouts and Carlos Gonzalez had been hitless in 15 at-bats before finishing with two singles and a walk.

Blackmon batted eighth after being called up earlier in the day to replace Michael Cuddyer, placed on the 15-day disabled list with a neck injury. Blackmon got a nice ovation for his fourth career homer after mistakenly getting introduced as a player making his major league debut during his first at-bat.

"Oh my gosh," Blackmon said. "That's unbelievable. Who does that? It wasn't my first home run, but they thought it was."

Colorado had five hits in the first three innings after totaling three and going 40 consecutive at-bats without a hit the previous two days. The Rockies have never been shut out three straight times.

Garcia had won three straight starts before giving up five runs in six innings and falling to 0-3 with a 10.53 ERA against the Rockies in four starts ? his highest against any opponent. He entered as the career ERA leader at 8-year-old Busch Stadium at 2.41.

"How many starts have I made against them?" Garcia said. "You know what, I didn't even think about that at all. Obviously, they have a really good lineup but I don't think about those things."

The lefty gave up just two homers in his first seven starts and entered with a 2.25 ERA overall.

Pacheco doubled with one out in the first to stop a 34-inning drought since the team's last extra-base hit, also according to STATS. The Rockies finished with five extra-base hits, including a two-run double by pinch-hitter Reid Brignac off Carlos Martinez in the eighth.

The Cardinals' streak of retiring 40 straight batters is tied for the second-longest in the majors since 1974, two shy of the record set by the Seattle Mariners from Aug. 14-17 last year, with Felix Hernandez throwing a perfect game on Aug. 15. Rangers pitchers retired 40 in a row in 1996.

NOTES: Gonzalez had two singles and a walk and is 6 for 12 against Garcia. ... Cardinals pitchers had a 2.02 ERA the previous 10 games. ... Cardinals C Yadier Molina was 0 for 3, ending an 11-game hitting streak. He had five hits in the first two games of the series. ... Jay has a nine-game hitting streak with 14 hits.


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OJ returns to Las Vegas court in bid for new trial

O.J. Simpson appears in court at Clark County Regional Justice Center in Las Vegas, Monday, May 13, 2013. Simpson, who is currently serving a nine-to-33-year sentence in state prison as a result of his October 2008 conviction on armed robbery and kidnapping charges, is seeking a new trial, claiming that trial lawyer Yale Galanter had conflicted interests and shouldn't have handled Simpson's armed case. (AP Photo/Las Vegas Review-Journal, Jeff Scheid, Pool)

O.J. Simpson appears in court at Clark County Regional Justice Center in Las Vegas, Monday, May 13, 2013. Simpson, who is currently serving a nine-to-33-year sentence in state prison as a result of his October 2008 conviction on armed robbery and kidnapping charges, is seeking a new trial, claiming that trial lawyer Yale Galanter had conflicted interests and shouldn't have handled Simpson's armed case. (AP Photo/Las Vegas Review-Journal, Jeff Scheid, Pool)

O.J. Simpson is handcuffed to the chair during a hearing at Clark County Regional Justice Center in Las Vegas, Monday, May 13, 2013. Simpson, who is currently serving a nine-to-33-year sentence in state prison as a result of his October 2008 conviction on armed robbery and kidnapping charges, is seeking a new trial, claiming that trial lawyer Yale Galanter had conflicted interests and shouldn't have handled Simpson's armed case. (AP Photo/Las Vegas Review-Journal, Jeff Scheid, Pool)

This combination of Associated Press file photos shows from left, O.J. Simspon on Oct. 3, 1995, after the jury acquitted him in the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman in Los Angeles; Simpson, center, in court on the first day his trial for armed robbery and kidnapping, on Monday, Sept 15, 2008, in Las Vegas; and right, Simpson in Clark County District Court seeking a new trial, claiming that trial lawyer Yale Galanter had conflicted interests and shouldn't have handled Simpson's armed case on Monday, May 13, 2013, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo)

O.J. Simpson walks into court at Clark County Regional Justice Center in Las Vegas, Monday, May 13, 2013. Simpson, who is currently serving a nine-to-33-year sentence in state prison as a result of his October 2008 conviction on armed robbery and kidnapping charges, is seeking a new trial, claiming that trial lawyer Yale Galanter had conflicted interests and shouldn't have handled Simpson's armed case. (AP Photo/Las Vegas Review-Journal, Jeff Scheid, Pool)

O.J. Simpson listens to testimony at an evidentiary hearing in Clark County District Court, Monday, May 13, 2013 in Las Vegas. Simpson, who is currently serving a nine-to-33-year sentence in state prison as a result of his October 2008 conviction on armed robbery and kidnapping charges, is seeking a new trial, claiming that trial lawyer Yale Galanter had conflicted interests and shouldn't have handled Simpson's armed case. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson, Pool)

(AP) ? A weary-looking O.J. Simpson, weighed down by shackles and more than four years in prison, shuffled into a Las Vegas courtroom Monday hoping to eventually walk out a free man.

His arrival to ask for a new trial in the armed robbery-kidnapping case that sent him to prison could be heard before he was seen ? as a loud rattling of the chains that bound his hands to his waist and restrained his feet.

After the 65-year-old Simpson was seated, a guard removed his handcuffs and clicked them onto the chair arms next to him.

The once glamorous football star and TV pitchman was subdued in his dingy blue prison uniform. Grayer and heavier, he briefly flashed a smile and mouthed a greeting to people he recognized before being stopped by a bailiff.

Simpson listened intently as his lawyers tried to make the case that he had poor legal representation in the trial involving the gunpoint robbery of two sports memorabilia dealers in 2007 in a Las Vegas hotel room. Of the 22 allegations of conflict-of-interest and ineffective counsel his lawyers raised, Clark County District Judge Linda Marie Bell has agreed to hear 19.

Simpson has said his former attorney, Yale Galanter, had rejected appropriate defense moves and even met with Simpson the night before the heist to bless the plan as long as no one trespassed and no force was used.

Galanter was paid nearly $700,000 for Simpson's defense but had a personal interest in preventing himself from being identified as a witness to the crimes and misled Simpson so much that he deserves a new trial, lawyers for Simpson claim.

Simpson is expected to testify Wednesday and say Galanter advised him that he was within his rights to retrieve family pictures and footballs being peddled by memorabilia dealers.

Galanter has declined to comment before his scheduled court appearance Friday.

Meanwhile, two of the other lawyers involved in the trial portrayed Galanter as self-interested, money grabbing and unconcerned for Simpson's welfare.

Galanter's co-counsel and longtime friend, Gabriel Grasso, offered a searing critique, saying he took money for himself, didn't pay Grasso and refused to pay for experts to analyze crucial audio recordings from the hotel room that helped send Simpson to prison in 2008 for up to 33 years.

Simpson attorney Patricia Palm played a videotape of a hearing at which Galanter told the judge he would not oppose the use of the recordings because "we looked at them. We had experts look at every word. We had maybe six or seven words we objected to."

Asked what experts Galanter was referencing, Grasso said: "I don't know who he was talking about. There were no experts."

Grasso said he was the only one who listened to all of the tapes with a computer program set up by his 15-year-old son.

He said he learned that Galanter was getting money from Simpson's business manager but none of it was going into the case.

"I don't think it was in Mr. Simpson's best interest," he said. "In a case of this magnitude, we had no help. The state had a jury consultant. Did we? No."

He said Galanter urged Simpson not to testify, which Grasso thought was disastrous.

"It would have been a chance," Grasso said. "That's what we would have had if O.J. testified ? a chance at justice."

Grasso said when prosecutors proposed a plea deal that might have given Simpson as little as probation, Galanter told him, "I'll talk to O.J. about it" but never told Grasso why he rejected it. He said he didn't know if Simpson was even told of the deal.

Grasso's testimony was corroborated by the lawyer for Simpson co-defendant Clarence "C.J." Stewart.

The lawyer, Brent Bryson, said prosecutors told him the offer called for a two- to five-year sentence for each defendant in return for guilty pleas. Prosecutors said they were presenting it to Simpson's lawyers but later said there was no deal, Bryson said.

Simpson, who will be 70 before he is eligible for parole, says he was not told of the deal.

Under questioning by defense lawyers Palm and Ozzie Fumo, Bryson and Simpson friend James Barnett, a wealthy businessman, said Galanter's biggest mistake was not challenging the admission of the audio recording.

"The tapes were untrustworthy," Bryson said. "Files had been uploaded. Experts could not testify to their authenticity."

Barnett said he asked Galanter why he wasn't hiring an expert to analyze the recording.

"He said, 'If you would give us $250,000, we would have it done. We don't have the money to analyze the tapes,'" Barnett testified.

Galanter allegedly insisted the recordings, on which Simpson was heard telling people that nobody was to leave the hotel room, would help his case rather than harm it.

Bryson said it was mistake.

"The jury specifically stated they convicted on the tapes because they considered the witnesses to be less than credible," he said. "They could have filed a motion to suppress the recordings, and they didn't."

Bryson ridiculed the idea that it would cost $250,000 for audio analysis, saying he could have had it done for $5,000 "and maybe a case of beer."

Earlier in the day, from Dr. Norton Roitman, a psychiatrist, testified that Simpson's perception of what happened in the hotel room could have been clouded by lack of sleep, alcoholic drinks and stress. Simpson's daughter, Arnelle Simpson, testified that her dad seemed "tipsy" when she saw him.

Simpson's expression was flat and he showed little reaction to the testimony Monday.

Simpson's drab appearance contrasted with the fancy clothing he wore during his acquittal in his historic, high-profile 1995 murder trial in Los Angeles in which he was acquitted of slaying his wife and her friend.

Simpson was later found liable for damages in a civil wrongful death lawsuit and ordered to pay $33.5 million to the families of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman.

In contrast to the national swirl surrounding his "trial of the century" in Los Angeles and the circus-like atmosphere during his trial in Las Vegas, Monday's proceedings attracted none of the fans, protesters or attention-seekers typically drawn to celebrity cases.

Except for an extra television truck or two, it was business as usual outside the courthouse.

When the hearing opened, the courtroom was partly empty and an overflow room with closed-circuit hookups wasn't needed.


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Monday, May 13, 2013

Filipino clans, celebrities dominate midterm polls

MANILA, Philippines (AP) ? From Imelda Marcos to Manny Pacquiao, familiar names of political clans and celebrities dominated the ballots in the Philippines' congressional and local elections Monday, making them a contest of popularity first and reform second.

Despite scattered killings and fears of fraud, the polls were expected to be relatively peaceful after authorities took steps to prevent chaos in one of Asia's most raucous democracies. Polling started at 7 a.m. and ends at 7 p.m. with first results expected in 48 hours.

More than 52 million Filipinos have registered to elect 18,000 officials, including half of the 24-member Senate, nearly 300 members of the House of Representatives and leaders of a Muslim autonomous region in the south, where Islamic insurgents, al-Qaida-linked gunmen and private armies have long been a concern.

Elections in the Philippines are about name recall. Parties exist in name only and to bankroll campaigns. Political platforms are an addition, less important than a catchy slogan or good TV ad.

Still, the outcome will determine the level of support for President Benigno Aquino III's reform agenda in his remaining three years in office. Aquino has been praised at home and abroad for cracking down on widespread corruption, backing key legislation and concluding an initial peace agreement with Muslim rebels.

But he cannot run for re-election and a choice of his successor will depend on the new political landscape.

Among 33 senatorial candidates are two of Aquino's relatives, a neophyte daughter of the vice president, a son of the sitting chamber president, a son of a late president, an ousted president's son, a spouse and children of former senators and there's a possibility that two siblings will be sitting in the same house. Currently, 15 senators have relatives serving in elective positions.

The race for the House is even more of a family affair. Toppled dictator Ferdinand Marcos' widow, the flamboyant 83-year-old Imelda, is expected to keep her seat as a representative for Ilocos Norte province, the husband's birthplace where the locals kept electing the Marcoses despite allegations of corruption and abuse during their long rule. Marcos' daughter, Imee is seeking re-election as governor and the son, Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr., is already a senator.

Boxing star Manny Pacquiao is also seeking re-election in the House and building a dynasty of his own: his brother Rogelio is running to represent his southern district and wife Jinkee as vice-governor for Sarangani province.

On the local level, Joseph Estrada, who was ousted in a 2001 "people power" revolt on corruption allegations, is running for mayor of Manila, hoping to capitalize on his movie star popularity, particularly among the poor masses.

Philippine elections have long been dominated by politicians belonging to the same bloodlines. At least 250 political families have monopolized power across the country, although such dynasties are prohibited under the 1987 constitution. Congress ? long controlled by members of powerful clans targeted by the constitutional ban ? has failed to pass the law needed to define and enforce the provision.

"Wherever you go, you see the names of these people since we were kids. It is still them," businessman Martin Tunac, 54, said after voting in Manila. "One of the bad things about political dynasties is they control everything, including business."

School counselor Evelyn Dioquino said that the proliferation of political dynasties was a cultural issue and other candidates stood little chance because clans "have money, so they are the only ones who can afford (to run). Of course, if you have no logistics, you can't run for office."

Critics worry that a single family's stranglehold on different levels of government could stymie checks against abuses and corruption. A widely cited example is the 2009 massacre of 58 people, including 32 media workers, in an ambush blamed on rivalry between powerful clans in southern Maguindanao province.

In the latest violence, gunmen killed five people and wounded two mayoral candidates in separate attacks over the weekend. Last month, gunmen fired on a truck carrying a town mayor and his supporters in southern Lanao del Norte province, killing 13 people including his daughter.

The 125,000-strong military has helped the government in urging candidates to shun violence. An army general took off with his troops aboard two helicopters and dropped leaflets calling for peaceful elections in Masbate, a central province notorious for political killings.

Ana Maria Tabunda from the independent pollster Pulse Asia said that dynasties restrict democracy, but added that past surveys by her organization have shown that most Filipinos are less concerned about the issue than with the benefits and patronage they can receive from particular candidates. Voters also often pick candidates with the most familiar surnames instead of those with the best records, she said.

"It's name recall, like a brand. They go by that," she said.


Associated Press writers Oliver Teves and Jim Gomez contributed to this report.

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Video: Maya Angelou recalls her childhood on Mother's Day (cbsnews)

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Friday, May 10, 2013

Big Banks Push Back Against Tighter Rules (WSJ)

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Pixelmator for Mac gets a major update, over 100 new features and improvements

Popular Mac photo editing application, Pixelmator, has just received a major update pushed out via the Mac App Store. The Pixelmator team has been teasing the update -- known as 2.2 Blueberry -- in recent days on their blog, but today it has pushed out complete with over 100 new features and improvements.

As such, we're not going to go through them all, the day isn't long enough. The headline features read well, though. Blueberry brings Smart Shape tools with easy-to-use controls for adjusting outlines, a Smart Move tool that intelligently knows when you're working with shape or image layers and gives you the right tools for the job, and a new Light Leak effect for 'retro-artistically' illuminated images.

And that's just the beginning. Additional tools include new color popovers for quicker access to swatches, improved drawing tools, an improved Type Tool, and major performance improvements.

This update is huge, a major push forward from the Pixelmator team. We're going to need to spend a little time getting to know Blueberry, and play around with some of these fantastic sounding new features. The 2.2 update is available free of charge to anyone who has previously purchased Pixelmator from the Mac App Store, and is available to new customers for $14.99.

What do you think to the Blueberry update to Pixelmator? Does it now tick more of the boxes for you? How about first time Pixelmator users, are you glad you dropped the money on it? Let us know in the comments!



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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Texas inmate executed for fatal drug-dea

HUNTSVILLE, Texas (AP) -- A Texas death row inmate convicted of killing a fellow drug dealer while robbing him outside of a Waco convenience store 10 years ago has been executed.

Carroll Joe Parr received a lethal injection Tuesday evening. Appeals to block the punishment were rejected last week in the state and federal courts. And last-day appeals filed by Parr himself were denied at the U.S. Supreme Court and his trial court.

The 35-year-old Parr had told The Associated Press during a recent interview that he was resigned to his fate -- and even welcomed it -- although he insisted someone else killed 18-year-old Joel Dominguez.

Parr's execution is the fifth this year in Texas. At least 10 others are scheduled for the coming months, including one next week.

Copyright 2013 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


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The Ohio kidnapping case: There's always a Rochester connection (Rochester Democrat and Chronicle)

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Microsoft's Amy Hood named CFO as Peter Klein departs

Microsoft's Amy Hood named CFO as Peter Klein departs

If you'll recall, Microsoft revealed as a footnote to its Q3 2013 earnings report that then-CFO Peter Klein would be stepping down. Today, we're learning a bit more about the transition. Starting right now (well, a few minutes ago), corporate vice president Amy Hood has been moved up to chief financial officer, and while Klein is set to remain onboard through June, Hood is grabbing the title right away. Prior to this role, Hood served as CFO for Microsoft's Business Division, and has been with the company for just over a decade. Asked if she had any immediate plans, she softly nodded and whispered: "I'm bringing Clippy back." Just kidding. But that would've been awesome.

Filed under:


Source: Microsoft


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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

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Weather News Headlines - Yahoo! News

Weather News Headlines - Yahoo! News Get the latest Weather news headlines from Yahoo! News. Find breaking Weather news, including analysis and opinion on top Weather stories, photos and more.en-USCopyright (c) 2013 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reservedMon, 06 May 2013 17:14:10 -04005Weather News Headlines - Yahoo! News Paradise: More Hurricanes Predicted for Hawaii<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Stormier Paradise: More Hurricanes Predicted for Hawaii" align="left" title="Stormier Paradise: More Hurricanes Predicted for Hawaii" border="0" /></a>Scientists have suggested climate change may mean fewer tropical cyclones in coming years, but a closer look at how global warming affects regional weather patterns reveals Hawaiians should expect more hurricane-force gales.</p><br clear="all"/>, 06 May 2013 17:14:10 -0400LiveScience.comstormier-paradise-more-hurricanes-predicted-hawaii-211410785<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Stormier Paradise: More Hurricanes Predicted for Hawaii" align="left" title="Stormier Paradise: More Hurricanes Predicted for Hawaii" border="0" /></a>Scientists have suggested climate change may mean fewer tropical cyclones in coming years, but a closer look at how global warming affects regional weather patterns reveals Hawaiians should expect more hurricane-force gales.</p><br clear="all"/>Warmer weather helps farmers in ND start fieldworkWarmer, drier weather conditions have helped farmers in North Dakota start fieldwork. The U.S. Department of Agriculture says in its weekly crop report that producers were able to start preparing fields ..., 06 May 2013 16:24:39 -0400Associated Presswarmer-weather-helps-farmers-nd-202439989Al Gore's ballooning fortune: By the numbersAfter losing the excruciatingly close 2000 presidential election to George W. Bush, Al Gore firmly stepped off the political stage. But the former vice president didn't let the disappointment drag him down. In the years since, Gore has won an unlikely pile of accolades, including a Nobel Peace Prize for his work on climate change, and an Oscar for his documentary An Inconvenient Truth. Along the way, he has also amassed a personal fortune rivaling that of another fabulously wealthy losing presidential candidate: Mitt Romney. Here, a look at Gore's nest egg, by the numbers: $1. ..., 06 May 2013 15:28:00 -0400The Week (RSS)article/index/243759/al-gores-ballooning-fortune-by-the-numbersCooler weather aids fight against Calif. wildfire<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Firefighters from Riverside, Calif. work to extinguish a brush fire at Point Mugu, Calif., Friday, May 3, 2013. A Southern California wildfire carving a path to the sea grew to more than 15 square miles and crews prepared Friday for another bad day of gusting winds and searing weather. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)" align="left" title="Firefighters from Riverside, Calif. work to extinguish a brush fire at Point Mugu, Calif., Friday, May 3, 2013. A Southern California wildfire carving a path to the sea grew to more than 15 square miles and crews prepared Friday for another bad day of gusting winds and searing weather. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)" border="0" /></a>CAMARILLO, Calif. (AP) ? Cool, moist air moving into Southern California on Sunday helped firefighters build containment lines around a huge wildfire burning through coastal mountains.</p><br clear="all"/>, 05 May 2013 17:53:04 -0400Associated Presscooler-weather-aids-fight-against-calif-wildfire-004957917<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Firefighters from Riverside, Calif. work to extinguish a brush fire at Point Mugu, Calif., Friday, May 3, 2013. A Southern California wildfire carving a path to the sea grew to more than 15 square miles and crews prepared Friday for another bad day of gusting winds and searing weather. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)" align="left" title="Firefighters from Riverside, Calif. work to extinguish a brush fire at Point Mugu, Calif., Friday, May 3, 2013. A Southern California wildfire carving a path to the sea grew to more than 15 square miles and crews prepared Friday for another bad day of gusting winds and searing weather. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)" border="0" /></a>CAMARILLO, Calif. (AP) ? Cool, moist air moving into Southern California on Sunday helped firefighters build containment lines around a huge wildfire burning through coastal mountains.</p><br clear="all"/>Even with reams of data, flood-predicting is tough<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="In this April 30, 2013 photo, members of the United States Geological Survey prepare to launch a boat on the Red River in Fargo, N.D., so a USGA hydrologist can take stream flow measurements. Even with reams of data, forecasting a flood is still an imprecise science. (AP Photo/Dave Kolpack)" align="left" title="In this April 30, 2013 photo, members of the United States Geological Survey prepare to launch a boat on the Red River in Fargo, N.D., so a USGA hydrologist can take stream flow measurements. Even with reams of data, forecasting a flood is still an imprecise science. (AP Photo/Dave Kolpack)" border="0" /></a>FARGO, N.D. (AP) ? Perched in a boat drifting slowly along the Red River, Dan Thomas kept one eye on a laptop and the other on a $60,000 piece of floating hardware that beamed sound waves deep into the flooding river. As the signal bounced off water molecules and returned, the laptop sorted it into data on the river&#039;s depth and speed and transmitted it instantly to the National Weather Service.</p><br clear="all"/>, 05 May 2013 13:08:11 -0400Associated Presseven-reams-data-flood-predicting-tough-154335813<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="In this April 30, 2013 photo, members of the United States Geological Survey prepare to launch a boat on the Red River in Fargo, N.D., so a USGA hydrologist can take stream flow measurements. Even with reams of data, forecasting a flood is still an imprecise science. (AP Photo/Dave Kolpack)" align="left" title="In this April 30, 2013 photo, members of the United States Geological Survey prepare to launch a boat on the Red River in Fargo, N.D., so a USGA hydrologist can take stream flow measurements. Even with reams of data, forecasting a flood is still an imprecise science. (AP Photo/Dave Kolpack)" border="0" /></a>FARGO, N.D. (AP) ? Perched in a boat drifting slowly along the Red River, Dan Thomas kept one eye on a laptop and the other on a $60,000 piece of floating hardware that beamed sound waves deep into the flooding river. As the signal bounced off water molecules and returned, the laptop sorted it into data on the river&#039;s depth and speed and transmitted it instantly to the National Weather Service.</p><br clear="all"/>What People Close to Obama Think About the Keystone XL PipelineTo environmentalists throughout the country, denying the Keystone XL oil pipeline would be the most important sign that President Obama is committed to combating global warming., 05 May 2013 10:11:29 -0400National Journalpeople-close-obama-think-keystone-xl-pipeline-141129218Southern California wildfire 30 percent contained, weather helps<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="A firefighter pulls a hose line as a backfire is ignited in order to control the Springs Fire near Newbury Park, California" align="left" title="A firefighter pulls a hose line as a backfire is ignited in order to control the Springs Fire near Newbury Park, California" border="0" /></a>By Ian Simpson (Reuters) - A fierce wildfire threatening 4,000 homes northwest of Los Angeles was about 30 percent contained on Saturday as higher humidity and cooler temperatures helped firefighters, fire department spokesmen said. The fire in coastal Ventura County has blackened about 28,000 acres of rugged brush land since it started on Thursday. It was not expected to be under control until May 13, Ventura County Fire Department spokesman Tom Kruschke said. ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 04 May 2013 15:19:46 -0400Reuterssouthern-california-coast-wildfire-threatens-4-000-homes-003615255<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="A firefighter pulls a hose line as a backfire is ignited in order to control the Springs Fire near Newbury Park, California" align="left" title="A firefighter pulls a hose line as a backfire is ignited in order to control the Springs Fire near Newbury Park, California" border="0" /></a>By Ian Simpson (Reuters) - A fierce wildfire threatening 4,000 homes northwest of Los Angeles was about 30 percent contained on Saturday as higher humidity and cooler temperatures helped firefighters, fire department spokesmen said. The fire in coastal Ventura County has blackened about 28,000 acres of rugged brush land since it started on Thursday. It was not expected to be under control until May 13, Ventura County Fire Department spokesman Tom Kruschke said. ...</p><br clear="all"/>Calif. wildfire grows, but weather may aid fight<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Firefighters from Riverside, Calif. work to extinguish a brush fire at Point Mugu, Calif., Friday, May 3, 2013. A Southern California wildfire carving a path to the sea grew to more than 15 square miles and crews prepared Friday for another bad day of gusting winds and searing weather. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)" align="left" title="Firefighters from Riverside, Calif. work to extinguish a brush fire at Point Mugu, Calif., Friday, May 3, 2013. A Southern California wildfire carving a path to the sea grew to more than 15 square miles and crews prepared Friday for another bad day of gusting winds and searing weather. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)" border="0" /></a>A wildfire tearing through a coastal region in Southern California nearly tripled in size as high temperatures fueled the flames, but an expected weekend change in the weather will likely give crews manning the fire lines much-needed assistance.</p><br clear="all"/>, 04 May 2013 06:05:55 -0400Associated Presscalif-wildfire-grows-weather-may-aid-fight-071128755<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Firefighters from Riverside, Calif. work to extinguish a brush fire at Point Mugu, Calif., Friday, May 3, 2013. A Southern California wildfire carving a path to the sea grew to more than 15 square miles and crews prepared Friday for another bad day of gusting winds and searing weather. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)" align="left" title="Firefighters from Riverside, Calif. work to extinguish a brush fire at Point Mugu, Calif., Friday, May 3, 2013. A Southern California wildfire carving a path to the sea grew to more than 15 square miles and crews prepared Friday for another bad day of gusting winds and searing weather. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)" border="0" /></a>A wildfire tearing through a coastal region in Southern California nearly tripled in size as high temperatures fueled the flames, but an expected weekend change in the weather will likely give crews manning the fire lines much-needed assistance.</p><br clear="all"/>Small Wash. school closes because of nice weather<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="A boy jumps into a pool, Wednesday, July, 11, 2007, in Seattle. Records for heat were set at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, in Olympia and in Bellingham. (AP Photo/Andrei Pungovschi)" align="left" title="A boy jumps into a pool, Wednesday, July, 11, 2007, in Seattle. Records for heat were set at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, in Olympia and in Bellingham. (AP Photo/Andrei Pungovschi)" border="0" /></a>SEATTLE (AP) ? In a sun-deprived part of Washington state, the promise of nice spring weather prompted a small private school to give students a day off to enjoy the sunshine.</p><br clear="all"/>, 03 May 2013 20:11:36 -0400Associated Presssmall-wash-school-closes-because-nice-weather-133113709<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="A boy jumps into a pool, Wednesday, July, 11, 2007, in Seattle. Records for heat were set at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, in Olympia and in Bellingham. (AP Photo/Andrei Pungovschi)" align="left" title="A boy jumps into a pool, Wednesday, July, 11, 2007, in Seattle. Records for heat were set at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, in Olympia and in Bellingham. (AP Photo/Andrei Pungovschi)" border="0" /></a>SEATTLE (AP) ? In a sun-deprived part of Washington state, the promise of nice spring weather prompted a small private school to give students a day off to enjoy the sunshine.</p><br clear="all"/>Duke Energy 1Q earnings helped by weather, ratesDuke Energy's first-quarter results got a lift from a healthy dose of winter weather and higher retail electric rates, but lower wholesale prices weighed on profits. The largest U.S. utility posted earnings ..., 03 May 2013 12:52:57 -0400Associated Pressduke-energy-1q-earnings-helped-114117479The White House Convenes Scientists to Discuss the World's New Ocean<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="The White House Convenes Scientists to Discuss the World&#039;s New Ocean" align="left" title="The White House Convenes Scientists to Discuss the World&#039;s New Ocean" border="0" /></a>RELATED: Gore: Obama Has &#039;Failed to Stand Up&#039; on Global Warming See full coverage</p><br clear="all"/>, 03 May 2013 12:50:02 -0400The Atlantic Wirewhite-house-convenes-scientists-discuss-worlds-ocean-165002830<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="The White House Convenes Scientists to Discuss the World&#039;s New Ocean" align="left" title="The White House Convenes Scientists to Discuss the World&#039;s New Ocean" border="0" /></a>RELATED: Gore: Obama Has &#039;Failed to Stand Up&#039; on Global Warming See full coverage</p><br clear="all"/>Rare May storm dumps more than a foot of snow in Wisconsin, MinnesotaBy Brendan O'Brien MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - An unseasonable winter storm system dropped more than 1 foot of snow across the central Plains and the upper Midwest on Thursday, closing roads and causing power outages in Minnesota and Wisconsin, according to the National Weather Service. The system has resulted in about 18 inches of snow falling in parts of northwest Wisconsin and more than 15 inches in southern Minnesota, the National Weather Service reported. "This is fairly unusual. ..., 02 May 2013 12:19:03 -0400Reutersrare-may-storm-dumps-more-foot-snow-wisconsin-161903196Most Americans Blame Global Warming for Extreme Weather<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Most Americans Blame Global Warming for Extreme Weather" align="left" title="Most Americans Blame Global Warming for Extreme Weather" border="0" /></a>More than half of Americans think global warming is affecting weather in the United States, according to a new nationally representative survey that measures the pulse of American sentiment on climate change.</p><br clear="all"/>, 01 May 2013 13:49:50 -0400LiveScience.commost-americans-blame-global-warming-extreme-weather-174950480<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Most Americans Blame Global Warming for Extreme Weather" align="left" title="Most Americans Blame Global Warming for Extreme Weather" border="0" /></a>More than half of Americans think global warming is affecting weather in the United States, according to a new nationally representative survey that measures the pulse of American sentiment on climate change.</p><br clear="all"/>How Plants May Help Offset Global WarmingCould plants help to slow the march of global warming?, 01 May 2013 10:22:48 -0400LiveScience.complants-may-help-offset-global-warming-142248510Prices hikes help Clorox post small 3Q profit riseClorox said Wednesday that its fiscal third-quarter net income climbed slightly as price hikes helped amid bad weather conditions that hindered sales of its Kingsford brand charcoal. The consumer products ..., 01 May 2013 09:46:04 -0400Associated Pressprices-hikes-help-clorox-post-134604805The Atlantic Ocean Off the East Coast Was the Warmest Ever Recorded in 2012RELATED: Global Warming Makes It Rain More, Except Where It Makes it Drier See full coverage, 30 Apr 2013 14:54:45 -0400The Atlantic Wireatlantic-ocean-off-east-coast-warmest-ever-recorded-185445567German unemployment up slightly on longer winter: data<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Workers assemble a large Diesel engine at the MAN Diesel &amp; Turbo factory in Augsburg" align="left" title="Workers assemble a large Diesel engine at the MAN Diesel &amp; Turbo factory in Augsburg" border="0" /></a>BERLIN (Reuters) - German unemployment rose slightly in April in seasonally adjusted terms as cold winter weather kept people out of work for longer than usual at this time of year, the Labour Office said on Tuesday. However, the jobless rate stayed close to a reunification low of 6.9 percent, in line with the consensus in a Reuters poll of 33 economists. The number of people out of work, adjusted for seasonal swings, increased by 4,000 to 2.938 million, twice the expected rise in a Reuters poll. ...</p><br clear="all"/>, 30 Apr 2013 06:48:11 -0400Reutersgerman-unemployment-slightly-longer-winter-data-084002629<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="Workers assemble a large Diesel engine at the MAN Diesel &amp; Turbo factory in Augsburg" align="left" title="Workers assemble a large Diesel engine at the MAN Diesel &amp; Turbo factory in Augsburg" border="0" /></a>BERLIN (Reuters) - German unemployment rose slightly in April in seasonally adjusted terms as cold winter weather kept people out of work for longer than usual at this time of year, the Labour Office said on Tuesday. However, the jobless rate stayed close to a reunification low of 6.9 percent, in line with the consensus in a Reuters poll of 33 economists. The number of people out of work, adjusted for seasonal swings, increased by 4,000 to 2.938 million, twice the expected rise in a Reuters poll. ...</p><br clear="all"/>Red River peak flooding forecast lowered for Fargo, North Dakota(Reuters) - U.S. forecasters on Monday cut their predictions for peak flooding on the Red River in Fargo, North Dakota, welcome news for weary residents who are expected to see the river reach its highest levels of the season within two days. The National Weather Service said it expects the north-flowing river to rise to 35.5 feet on Wednesday in Fargo, down from an estimate of 37 feet issued on Sunday and a forecast for as much as a 40-foot crest less than a week ago. ..., 29 Apr 2013 20:57:41 -0400Reutersred-river-peak-flooding-forecast-lowered-fargo-north-005741007The Weather Channel Is Pulling a Live Tornado Simulation Stunt with Interns Right Now ? and It?s Addicting!"Now you are in control of the winds.", 29 Apr 2013 19:08:27 -0400The Blazeweather-channel-pulling-live-tornado-simulation-stunt-interns-230827317Neb. farmers begin planting corn as weather warmsNebraska farmers have begun planting corn, but the U.S. Agriculture Department says they are behind schedule and dry soil remains a concern. The weather warmed up enough last week to allow farmers to get ..., 29 Apr 2013 16:54:51 -0400Associated Pressneb-farmers-begin-planting-corn-205451712Win of the day: Weather Channel pummels interns with 'tornado'Tornado Week kicked off today for the Weather Channel ? both on screen and in the network's office.?The channel has announced a Twitter campaign to promote its upcoming mega-block of tornado-centric programming. Weather Channel interns will be buffeted by a "Twitter-powered tornado" throughout the day, which can be seen on a live feed streaming to the web. The more tweets referencing the campaign's #TornadoWeek hashtag, the harder the artificial wind blows. Should the campaign notch one million mentions, the winds will hit?EF-5 levels. On the Enhanced Fujita Scale, EF-5 is the..., 29 Apr 2013 16:52:00 -0400The Week (RSS)article/index/243432/win-of-the-day-weather-channel-pummels-interns-with-tornadoWarmer weather improves farm conditions in SDPastures are beginning to turn green following warm weather and sunshine in South Dakota. The U.S. Department of Agriculture says in its weekly crop report that the spring-like conditions resulted in 1.7 ..., 29 Apr 2013 16:50:02 -0400Associated Presswarmer-weather-improves-farm-conditions-205002014Corn surges on concern weather will delay plantingCorn futures surged on concern that wet, cold weather in the Plains region will delay planting and reduce harvests. July corn rose 40 cents, or 6.5 percent, to $6.5975 a bushel. That's the biggest one-day ..., 29 Apr 2013 16:40:21 -0400Associated Presscorn-surges-concern-weather-delay-191727159Weather postpones trade center's ascent to tallest<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="FILE - In this file photo of April 26, 2013, from Bayonne, N.J., One World Trade Center rises behind the Statue of Liberty in New York. It is already New York?s tallest building. But when the last pieces of its spire go up to the roof Monday, April 28, the 104-floor skyscraper will be one step away from becoming the highest in the Western Hemisphere. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan, File)" align="left" title="FILE - In this file photo of April 26, 2013, from Bayonne, N.J., One World Trade Center rises behind the Statue of Liberty in New York. It is already New York?s tallest building. But when the last pieces of its spire go up to the roof Monday, April 28, the 104-floor skyscraper will be one step away from becoming the highest in the Western Hemisphere. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan, File)" border="0" /></a>NEW YORK (AP) ? One World Trade Center already is New York&#039;s tallest building.</p><br clear="all"/>, 29 Apr 2013 13:48:33 -0400Associated Pressweather-postpones-trade-centers-ascent-tallest-153256811<p><a href=""><img src="" width="130" height="86" alt="FILE - In this file photo of April 26, 2013, from Bayonne, N.J., One World Trade Center rises behind the Statue of Liberty in New York. It is already New York?s tallest building. But when the last pieces of its spire go up to the roof Monday, April 28, the 104-floor skyscraper will be one step away from becoming the highest in the Western Hemisphere. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan, File)" align="left" title="FILE - In this file photo of April 26, 2013, from Bayonne, N.J., One World Trade Center rises behind the Statue of Liberty in New York. It is already New York?s tallest building. But when the last pieces of its spire go up to the roof Monday, April 28, the 104-floor skyscraper will be one step away from becoming the highest in the Western Hemisphere. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan, File)" border="0" /></a>NEW YORK (AP) ? One World Trade Center already is New York&#039;s tallest building.</p><br clear="all"/>How a GOP Focus on Minorities Could Pay OffIN THE NEWS: Karzai ?grateful? for CIA funds, WH silent ? Identity of mysterious ?Misha? revealed ? Joe Kennedy inspired NBA player to come out ? Previewing Sanford-Colbert Busch debate ? House Dems link climate change to ?transactional sex? ... Correspondents' Dinner galleriesTHE TAKE, 29 Apr 2013 12:12:31 -0400National Journalgop-focus-minorities-could-pay-off-160516222


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