Monday, February 27, 2012

Legendary Customer Service | Business44.Com - Business Site

I was in a restaurant this past week dining with a friend. It was a sit down restaurant but yet very inexpensive and sort of a quick in and out type of diner. The waitress knows of us as frequent customers. My friend got up to take an important phone call and stood just outside the front doors of the establishment to have the conversation. The waitress noticed him away from the table for a period of time and came to get his plate of half eaten food to put it back under the heat light to stay warm during his short phone call. I was very impressed. This was not rocket science and more than likely not an idea she pioneered. However, she didn?t have to do it either. I was sure to let the manager know and I bet I tell the story several more times over the next year. That is great customer service!

How is your business from a customer service perspective? How much time do you spend learning more about the topic. How much time do you spend with your employees encouraging ?Legendary Customer Service?? It can make a huge difference in your bottom line if you spend some time learning to grow and improve in this area. Study after study shows that it?s significantly less expensive to keep a customer by treating them great than it is to market for a new one. This is true even if you have to spend money on great customer service practices.

I remember working at Publix Supermarkets while in high school. The assistant manager was named Mr. Still. I don?t know if he knew it but I considered him a mentor. I overheard him one time on the phone with an unsatisfied customer. After inquiring about the details after he got off the phone I learned about the complaint. The customer bought a container of cottage cheese. When she got it home she realized it had a crack in it and it leaked out, made a mess and was not good to eat. She called into the store more so as a courtesy to let them know to check the shelf for potentially more damaged product. Mr. Still thanked the lady and got off the phone. He met with some of the cashiers asking to look at their checks recently taken in at the register. When he found her check he matched the product up with a fresh one off the shelf and took it to her house. He knew where she lived from the address on the check. THAT?S CUSTOMER SERVICE! How many people do you think she told? How many times do you think I?ve told that story? Where do you think she buys ALL of her groceries today?

I refer to the above kind of stories as The WOW Factor. I strive day in and day out to deliver ?Legendary Customer Service? to my clients. As a financial advisor and insurance broker I have different obstacles and opportunities from other industries but there?s always a way to make the customer feel like you genuinely care for them. In fact, it?s quite easy and usually free or very inexpensive. I challenge you to take some time to improve in this area. To learn more about inspiring your people and ideas for customer service check out the book The Disney Way. Have a wonderful year?I wish you the very best.

Filed Under: Customer Service

Tags: Business ? Customer Service ? CustomerService


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Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Latest On Factors Of Commercial Real Estate Purchases

HTML Ready Article. Click on the "Copy" button to copy into your clipboard.

By: Pulos Deibel

Commercial real estate can be a lucrative industry for those with the proper experience and knowledge. Some of the world's wealthiest people have made their fortunes in this exciting field. This article provides some of the most important advice and tips for anyone interested in the commercial real estate field.

Have a real estate attorney look over any rental or lease agreements you are going to sign when securing property for your business. Not only is it possible that you need to make changes, but they will assure that you are getting a fair deal, and have options for getting out of the agreement if you need to in the future.

Remember when buying commercial real estate that the loans are structured differently than residential real estate loans. Buying a triplex is the same as buying a commercial property and it is not eligible for a residential loan. So remember when looking for commercial property, know the facts on commercial real estate loans before buying.

If investing in commercial properties, always be aware that there are many other properties available. You should never allow yourself to feel pressured into a sale because you feel it is a last-resort. Other properties always go up for sale, so keep away from becoming emotionally involved with your sales.

It is crucial that buyers interested in purchasing commercial real estate properties be aware of zoning ordinances, restrictions, environmental risks related to existing contracts, issues with current tenants, etc. These items could potentially impact the planned usage of the property. You must also be aware of the property classification because with classification comes rules.

Never allow a real estate agent or other professional to pressure you into doing something you aren't comfortable with. If they continue to insist on something, ask them to present a case to you for why this is necessary. If after this, you still aren't certain, feel free to find another professional to work with.

Before you buy something, make sure you have a long term plan to keep your buildings functional. Even if what you buy is in excellent conditions, things are going to need repair over the years. Think about major expenses such as rewiring, replacing the roof or the plumbing.

As this article has shown, commercial real estate can be a great investment, but the best chance to make a profit goes to those who are knowledgeable and prepared. If you follow the advice discussed above, you will have a head start towards benefitting from the challenges and opportunities presented by this exciting sector.

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

K.T. Hiraoka: Containing Fukushima: Saving Japan From Itself (Part I)

The disaster at Fukushima last year exposed how entrenched interests among key decision-makers have contaminated Japanese society, endangering the long-term prosperity of Japan. These special interests often do what is right for themselves, as opposed to what is in the best interests of the Japanese people.

In this two-part series, discussion on what has transpired over the past twelve months as a result of decisions made related to the Fukushima disaster (Part I) will lead to a look at decision-making during the crisis in subsequent weeks and months that have passed (Part II). As the current decision-making system in Japan increasingly works to the detriment of Japanese society, what is needed instead is a more transparent, honest, and benevolent decision-making system that listens to the wishes of the people and responds to it.

Deep relationships among public and private sector players are present in all societies around the world. Yet Japan has a unique set of circumstances that make these relationships unlike any other. Looking firstly at this process sets the stage for understanding what has gone wrong in Japan.

Japan's "Iron Triangle" of power, the traditional post-war decision-making apparatus, is comprised of Administrative Bureaucracy, Organized Business and Party Government. Together these groups create and implement policies and laws. This inter-institutional cooperation establishes the foundation for how society operates.

It is a cozy relationship. Policies are established by bureaucrats, laws are then passed by politicians and implemented by the business sector. The unelected bureaucrats who formulate policies are beholden to no one other than themselves. Long-term bureaucrats have decades to nurture connections. Top officials often "retire" on to private sector Board of Directors or are granted lucrative positions inside organizations that they used to regulate, thereby forming a comfortable intermingling of the public and private sectors. The system perpetuates itself.

To lubricate the system, up to 40% of the annual Japanese national budget is spent on infrastructure projects -- many of which are unnecessary. It could easily be argued that a great number of the nuclear power plants built since the Second World War would fall in to this category. That helps explain why even though 90+ percent of all nuclear reactors are currently off-line, no energy shortages or blackouts have occurred to date.

An additional appendage to this triangle of power is the Japanese mafia or "Yakuza" which have historically been able to legally exist in Japan. The Yakuza serve to make sure the system operates smoothly. One example of this is the supplying of labor to the nuclear industry for undesirable jobs and, in particular, to the Tokyo Electric Power nuclear plant after the disaster of March 11, 2011.

Added to this mix of the Iron Triangle and mafia comes a cultural factor not seen in other nations known as 'nakama' or becoming an accepted 'trusted insider' among a respective group. This eases the process of consensus-formation. In group-oriented Japan, such strong relationships are seen as the ultimate goal to be achieved as they allow for the maintenance of harmony. Japan is a series of 'inside' and 'outside' groups and nakama relationships built over time and through mutual experience foster deep loyalties in the public and private sector.

Nakama can also become a hindrance in times of crucial decision-making where telling the truth comes head-to-head with loyalty to long-held relations. One well-known example is the case of the Japan Airlines crash in Tokyo Bay in 1982 that killed 133 people. The captain deliberately engaged the number 2 and 3 engines' thrust-reversers in flight which caused the crash. He was later found to be suffering from mental illness prior to the incident which resulted in a not guilty verdict by reason of insanity. The interesting point about this particular story is that his co-workers and even the company had known he was unstable for a long time, yet he was able to maintain his position, hierarchy and rank. This can be the danger of nakama relations -- when some one in a position of power does something he/she should not do, most are reluctant to do anything about it for fear of damaging relations.

Witness the Fukushima disaster. Not only did decision-making take too long in the early hours of the crisis because consensus needed to be formed among too many players, but there was a lack of communication due to inoperable phone systems. On top of this, the Iron Triangle players were protecting their respective turfs. Politicians and regulators protected the nuclear industry and the nuclear industry protected itself. What was best for the people of Japan took a back seat.

Observing what happened in the early hours of the crisis is to see how forming a consensus on what to do to protect the populace was a futile effort, indeed. Prime Minister Naoto Kan, to his credit, trusted neither the bureaucrats advising him nor the Tokyo Electric Power Company (which was worried about protecting its assets). Even the plant manager did not trust his superiors who had instructed him to stop pouring sea water on the reactors to keep them cool. His decision to defy that order likely prevented the disaster from becoming worse than it was. "At the drama's heart was an outsider prime minister who saw the need for quick action but whose well-founded mistrust of a system of alliances between powerful plant operators, compliant bureaucrats and sympathetic politicians deprived Prime Minister Kan of resources he could have used to make better-informed decisions," reported the New York Times.

How much of what went wrong was actually due to sheer incompetence or lack of adequate preparation as opposed to an attempt to hide the truth is unclear. But the New York Times ran an incredible piece on this "culture of collusion" early in the crisis. And it took an outsider (who used to be an insider) to reveal the truth -- that "nuclear power's main players are more interested in protecting their interests than increasing safety". My point exactly. The safety of the people of Japan was not the top priority which further shows that the decision-making system is not working.

Just ask the people of Namie, a city located just north of the doomed Tokyo Electric Power nuclear plant. Lacking clear guidance on what to do or where to go from decision-makers in Tokyo, town leaders thought it would be safe to head north to escape the dangers caused by explosions at the plant. Computer calculations, known to officials in Tokyo, had predicted winds would carry radioactive clouds north -- not south -- as Namie town officials had thought. But no one bothered to tell them and they were exposed to high levels of radiation for three days and nights. As reported in another New York Times expos?, "The forecasts were left unpublicized by bureaucrats in Tokyo, operating in a culture that sought to avoid responsibility and, above all, criticism... Japanese authorities engaged in a pattern of withholding damaging information and denying facts of the nuclear disaster -- in order to limit the size of costly and disruptive evacuations in land-scarce Japan and to avoid public questioning of the politically powerful nuclear industry".

And to further prove the point about the failings of the Iron Triangle and how members sought to protect their turf, bureaucrats initially withheld vital information even from politicians, part of their own inner circle. As the aforementioned article notes, "Some of the predictions of the spread of radiation contamination were so alarming, that three separate government agencies -- the Education Ministry and the two nuclear regulators, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency and Nuclear Safety Commission -- passed the data to one another like a hot potato, with none of them wanting to accept responsibility for its results".

Added to this story were revelations the in the crucial days during and after two reactors blew up, Potassium Iodide (which blocks radioactive iodine from entering the thyroid gland) was not dispersed to people in need in the areas near the plant. Why? "Government disaster manuals require communities to wait for the central government to give the order before distributing the pills. Though Japan's nuclear-safety experts recommended dispensing pills immediately, Tokyo didn't order pills be given out until five days after the March 11 accident". Once again, the people of Japan were not the top priority.

Here is yet another example -- days after the earthquake and tsunami, on March 15th and 21st, clouds of radiation drifted over Tokyo due to changing wind conditions. The people of Tokyo were not encouraged to either stay indoors (thereby somewhat limiting exposure) or leave the city. It was not that the authorities didn't know the clouds were coming -- they did. Even the U.S. military knew they were on their way due to a computer simulation known as SPEEDI (System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information). SPEEDI was designed in the 1980s to make forecasts of radiation dispersal should an accident occur. SPEEDI information was shared with the U.S. military, but not with the people of Japan. Decision-makers withheld the information, most likely so as to avoid a panic.

So there was a choice in a "worst-case scenario", evacuate Tokyo (which might have led to the collapse of the Japanese economy) or risk collateral damage among the populace. All of which raises a fundamental question -- What gives unelected bureaucrats the right to decide what the public is told (or not told), particularly when issues of health are at stake?

Just as with the tale of the boy who cried wolf, many people in Japan no longer trust what they are told. It is now to the point where even if the truth is told, few believe it.

(Monday, in Part II, we look at more evidence of how nakama decision-making hurts Japan.)

K.T. Hiraoka is a pseudonym for the writer whose name was changed to allow for honest and open expression in order to better decipher the puzzle surrounding decision-making related to the Fukushima disaster.



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Concern Continues Over Nick Cannon?s Health

Following Nick Cannon ‘s hospitalization on February 10th 2012 for blood clots in his lungs, his wife Mariah Carey has been talking to Good Morning America about his health, with the event coming just a month after Cannon was again in hospital for kidney failure while the couple were vacationing in Aspen. “We didn’t know [...]


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Friday, February 24, 2012

Moon may contain magma, say scientists (+video)

Although the Earth's crust is still shifting, driven by the churning semimolten rock underneath it, researchers had thought the moon had cooled off much too long ago to still have any such tectonic activity.

The moon's crust was apparently active far more recently than previously believed, scientists say.

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These new findings raise questions about?how the moon formed?and evolved, researchers said.

Although the Earth's crust is still shifting, driven by the churning semimolten rock underneath it, researchers had thought the moon had cooled off much too long ago to still have any such tectonic activity. For instance, the youngest known tectonic features on the lunar landscape until now ? small cliffs in the lunar highlands resulting from wrinkling of the surface as the moon's interior cooled and shrunk ? are thought to be less than 1 billion years old, although by how much is uncertain.

Now, images collected by the?Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter?hints the moon has probably seen tectonic activity within the last 50 million years.

In these photos, researchers spotted a dozen or so narrow, trenchlike features known as graben in the lunar highlands and in the dark plains of volcanic rock known as the mare basalts. Graben are essentially troughs with two faults or cracks in the surface on either side of them. They are thought to have formed as the lunar crust was stretched.?[10 Coolest Moon Discoveries]

"Overall on the moon, you have this contracting, shrinking environment, but in some places, apparently there's this stretching extension of the crust," said study lead author Thomas Watters, a planetary scientist at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington.

The graben the scientists detected, which reach up to about 1,640 feet (500 meters) wide and 1.1 miles (1.8 kilometers) long, appear relatively pristine. This suggests they formed recently ? otherwise, they would be marred more often by craters from meteor impacts over time.

"We think they're less than 50 million years old, but they could be 10 million years old, could be 1 million years old, could have happened 40 years ago," Watters told "The intriguing picture that's emerging of the moon is that there is recent geological activity going on."

Moonquakes?detected by seismic sensors installed during the Apollo missions support the notion of recent activity on the moon, researchers added. All in all, the moon's interior may still be hot.

"The moon may not only have been tectonically active recently, but may still be tectonically active today," Watters said.

Models of how the moon cooled over time suggest it was totally molten after its formation, and that it should now be contracting as it cools, forcing the surface to wrinkle. However, if this was true, such compression would have suppressed the creation of graben ? these ditches typically form when the crust stretches, not crinkles.

Instead, these findings suggest the moon was not completely molten after it was formed. If this were the case, the moon would not contract strongly enough to suppress the emergence of graben.

"Currently, a popular idea for how the moon formed is that it was completely molten in the beginning? after a?Mars-size object hit Earth?very early in its history, the debris cloud from the surviving material formed the moon," Watters said. "This may lend support to alternative scenarios that the moon was not completely molten when it formed, that only part of it was, forming a magma ocean."

Future research can look for more graben in Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter photos once the satellite finishes imaging the moon, Watters said. He and his colleagues detailed their findings online Feb. 19 in the journal Nature Geoscience.

Follow for the latest in space science and exploration news on Twitter@Spacedotcom?and on?Facebook.


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FDA Steps In To Ease Critical Cancer Drug Shortage ? CBS Dallas ...

(CBS/AP) ? The federal government is stepping in to help ease the shortage of two life-saving cancer drugs, Doxil and methotrexate, regulators announced Tuesday.

The FDA said it will temporarily allow importation of a replacement drug for Doxil, a drug for ovarian and other cancers that hasn?t been available for new patients for months.

The agency also approved another supplier for a preservative-free version of methotrexate, a crucial drug for children with a type of leukemia calledacute lymphoblastic leukemia and for high-dose treatment of bone cancer. The version with preservatives can be toxic or cause paralysis in children and other patients getting the drug high doses.

The FDA also has approved the release of a batch manufactured by Ben Venue Laboratories Inc., shortly before it closed several factories and its complex in Bedford, Ohio, possibly for a year, due to serious quality problems. That closing is what turned the on-again, off-again methotrexate shortage that began in late 2008 into a crisis almost overnight, with fears that patients would begin missing treatments as soon as the end of this month.

???Click Here To Read The Entire Story At

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Company sues Apple over iPad name in Shanghai (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

FILE - In this May 6, 2011 file photo, people queue overnight outside the Xidan Apple Store for the chance to buy an iPad 2 on the first day of its sale in Beijing, China.  Apple's dispute over the iPad trademark deepened Monday, Feb. 20, 2012, after the Chinese company that claims ownership of the name said it won a court ruling against sales of the popular tablet computer in China.  Xie Xianghui, a lawyer for Shenzhen Proview Technology, said the Intermediate People's Court in Huizhou, a city in southern China's Guangdong province, had ruled on Friday, Feb.17 that distributors should stop selling iPads in China. (AP Photo/Andy Wong, File)AP - A Chinese company fighting Apple Inc. over its use of the iPad trademark in China took its complaints to a Shanghai court Wednesday, though it says it is willing to talk about a settlement.


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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Verizon Wireless Seeking For Account Exec ? Business Sales in ...

: Account Exec ? Business Sales
: Verizon Wireless
: Hilliard
: OH
: US
: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 11:37:50 GMT
: Active

Verizon Wireless, is at the moment in need of Account Exec ? Business Sales at Tuesday, February 21, 2012 11:37:50 GMT. This job situated in Hilliard, OH, and posted 12 hours ago.

Good news, it still active, so besure to read the job description below and go ahead hit the View/Apply button to proceed further.

Job Description/Requirement provided by Verizon Wireless:

Account Exec ? Business Sales Job Descriptions/Requirements provided by Verizon Wireless. Click the ?View Complete Job Description? link at the bottom of this description to view the complete job description.

Job ID: 288041
Date Posted : 01/23/2012
Company: Verizon Wireless
Location : OH ? Hilliard
Department: Sales
Full/Part Time: Full-Time

View Complete Job Description ?


Zoom & Street View.
Zoom in to get a clearer view of the job location and do a Street View, to give your self a lil bit of a sight of the job?s place before going there, through 360-degree street-level visual images. Click here to learn how.

Get Directions.
Step by step instructions on how to get to the job?s place, just one click of a button away. Here?s how :

Directions from your location ?- to the job location .

How to do A Street View

As in Google Maps, Street View lets you explore places through 360-degree street-level imagery. In Lexxio, this feature should help you looking at the job location and check it out just before going there.

Street View: Zoom in

1. Zoom in

First, Zoom in, by clicking on the job location marker. This will get you to the street level zoom.

At this zoom level you will see the road/street?s name nearby the marker. This is your first hint of the job location whereabouts.

2. Drag and Drop Pegman

Street View: Drag and Drop Pegman

Drag Pegman?????to any positions at the closest road to the marker. Roads with Street View imagery will appear with a blue border.

Notice the green shade with dotted border under Pegman, it means it still finding the best possible position to land the Pegman. The shade will become solid green when it finds the right position. That?s when you release your mouse drag, and drop it. You should see the street view of the job location at that exact time.

3. Navigating In Street View

Street View control panel wheel


? use the wheel in the control panel in the top left corner.
? or use the left and right arrows on your keyboard
? or click and drag with your mouse.

Street View white arrows walk


? click on one of the white arrows overlaid on the street.
? or use the up and down arrows on your keyboard.

Tips: Use both Rotate and Walk navigation, to locate and get to closest position of the marker, as that?s where the job location is. You should also see an address at the top of the map. This address is approximate, based on latitude and longitude position provided by the job poster. It might be usefull to take a note on this address, just incase you can?t find any physical address of the job location at the apply page.

Exit Street View


? click Exit cross on the top right corner of the Street View map.

Thassit. That?s all there is about Street View. You?re ready to get the fun begin, and enjoy a bit of a view and situation of the job location you?re about to apply to.


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Consumer-finance watchdog probes overdraft fees

(AP) ? The government's new consumer-watchdog agency is launching a probe into costly overdraft fees charged by big banks.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said Wednesday that it will ask banks for information about how overdraft fees affect consumers, how overdraft protection is marketed and what information consumers receive.

The probe could result in new rules or even lawsuits if banks are accused of violating consumer laws.

"Overdraft practices have the capacity to inflict serious economic harm on the people who can least afford it," CFPB Director Richard Cordray said in a statement. "We want to learn how consumers are affected, and how well they are able to anticipate and avoid paying penalty fees."

Banks impose overdraft fees when people spend more money than they have in their accounts. The fees didn't exist 15 years ago; by 2009, they were generating tens of billions of dollars for banks.

The fees function like extremely high-cost, short-term loans. The cost of pushing your checking account into the red averages $30 to $35 per transaction, the CFPB said.

Banks were barred from automatically enrolling customers in overdraft programs for debit card or ATM transactions in 2010, under a rule issued by the Federal Reserve. The rule did not apply to checks and online bill payments or recurring debits. It also did not limit how much banks can charge for the service.

Banks have responded by marketing overdraft protection aggressively. They told consumers that opting out of overdraft protection "may prevent you from completing everyday transactions including . . . medical or health emergencies," according to research published last year by the Center for Responsible Lending, a consumer group that opposes overdraft fees.

Some banks increased their fee income through a practice known as "re-ordering." The banks would collect all the transactions in a given day then apply them in order, from largest to smallest. The effect is to maximize the number of transactions that trigger a fee.

Reordering has been challenged in class-action lawsuits around the country. Bank of America settled one case for $410 million last July. JPMorgan Chase agreed this month to pay $110 million to settle similar claims.

The CFPB outlined four areas of interest in its inquiry:

? The reordering of transactions in ways that increase costs to consumers.

? Missing or confusing information. The agency wants to make sure people understand how they can avoid overdraft fees. It will look at how the fees are disclosed and what other options are presented.

? Misleading marketing. The number of people who choose overdraft protection varies widely from bank to bank, the CFPB noted. It wants to know how marketing affects people's decisions. The Center for Responsible Lending report noted several examples of misleading or threatening language in banks' marketing materials.

? Disproportionate impact on low-income and young consumers. According to a 2008 study by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., 9 percent of checking accounts incur 84 percent of overdraft fees. The study found that nearly half of younger cardholders paid the fees.

The CFPB also is requesting public input on a draft "penalty fee box" ? a disclosure on a consumer's checking-account statement that would highlight any overdrafts and related fees.

The results of the probe will inform the CFPB's policy on overdraft programs. It could spawn consumer-education efforts, new rules, guidance for bank examiners or legal action against banks that are accused of wrongdoing.


Follow Daniel Wagner at

Associated Press


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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Awesome Star Wars Toys - Leffert`s Kids and Teens Blog


The storyplot on the Star Wars Toys?and?Star Wars Figures began within The late seventies, with all the first number of Several.75? numbers published by the compact model company through Cincinnati, Iowa, termed Kenner. The plethora of people bundled Romantic Leia Organa, Henry Skywalker, Chewbacca, plus R2-D2 droid. In addition to the figures Kenner additionally introduced a choice of affiliated automobiles, spaceships in addition to playsets from the very same size as being the statuary. There are likewise larger machine merchandise produced, though the name ?Star Conflicts traditional actions figures? normally works with a few 3/4? gadgets and results published in between 1978 and 85.These.5 in . level has been way inexpensive to produce than the conventional 12-inch figures, and it likewise allowed to build a exceptional collection of gadgets the dimensions as well as variety of that had by no means also been observed before. You could get associated with place ships, cars, playsets, as well as a a great number of types of additional add-ons in addition to tools to accomplish a person?s collection. Simply by developing these kind of scaled-down, less expensive objects, boys and girls might basically try to collect all. As a consequence of that number of products, Kenner products had been offered by every price. From low-cost figures so that you can comprehensive higher in price play sets, this Star Wars line guaranteed that kids could easily get interesting things for virtually any feasible event.Over the ?vintage age?, many shops generally supplied numerous promotions. When you got such a participate in established, you could send in a evidence of pay for and find an exceptional release porcelain figurine. Usually these folks were results that has to be combined with a new after line.With the continually rising globally following, a Star Wars vintage figures and playthings became a really favorite valuable commodity throughout the years. In the event you evaluation many of the recognized Star Wars collectibles price books, or simply lookup present-day fine art auctions related to classic Star Wars figures as well as products, you discover which the most in-demand merchandise is typically offered with regard to hundreds of dollars. Essentially the most important aspects which often affect the value definitely seems to be your figure?s condition. Various other important factor will be the region with origins, the excitement of that unique individuality among collectors and admirers, whether the first package is protected etc.If you are planning to trade several of your own classic toys, statistics as well as real life dolls, take into consideration the actual brought up components and also complete at the very least some basic homework within the preferred public sale servers along with collectible items message boards prior to opening your sell.


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Is Christian Chamber bound?

Will he or won?t he? That?s the question being posed by peeps throughout the WWE Universe ever since Christian tweeted a photo yesterday of a postcard reading ?Love from Milwaukee? with no caption. That would be the very same Milwaukee hosting tonight?s Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. Coincidence? Hmm. With the mischievous Superstar, it?s never easy to tell.

All of which has led to frenzied speculation as to what Captain Charisma may be plotting. Is he actually in Wisconsin?s largest city? Or is he pulling another prank on the WWE Universe? If he is there, will he compete at tonight?s Elimination Chamber? And what would his arrival signal within the ranks of WWE?

It was three months ago that the agile Superstar suffered a high ankle sprain during a WWE tour of Europe. Has he had enough time to recuperate? If so, a bold, unexpected return would not seem out of character. And as evidenced by the following tweets, members of the WWE Universe appear eager for the homecoming.

?where have u been? It ain?t the same arrrrgggghhh? -@tpdmagic

?YAYYYYY!!!!!! SO GLAD YOU?RE BACK!!!!! :D? -@troublelovesSam

?You deserve to be WHC? #peepsforlife? -@TheRockBRTeam

To find out if Christian will indeed reemerge to shock the WWE Universe, be sure to watch the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view live at 8 ET/ 5 PT.


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Monday, February 20, 2012

Some Tips On Men's Weight Loss Toronto | New Health and Fitness

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

There comes a time when a man needs to take a decision to improve his physical appearance. This is especially the case when being overweight is the issue. Being obese can lead to various health complications like heart attacks and high blood pressure. It is therefore important for men to constantly check on their weights. These men?s weight loss Toronto tips will guide men on ways to keep their bodies in shape.

They therefore include the following;The first enemy of mass loss is poor dieting . This is in form of unhealthy food which carry too much fat and cholesterol. This also includes junk food. The result is excess mass and in some instances obesity. The solution for this is only to ensure that one follows a healthy diet. Eating the right food keeps the body in shape.

Exercise is always the way to go when men need to keep fit. This exercise should be done regularly in order to improve blood circulation as well as maintain body shape. Some men would like a muscular body and only exercising can achieve this without any side effects. Some men go for the fastest way in gaining a muscular body through steroids. This can however cause devastating effects in future.

Weight gains can come as a result of stress levels in a person. When an individual is stressed the sugar levels in the body will decrease. The body will in turn require more sugar and this is where one has the urge to eat. Eating will simply increase the weight. Avoiding stress as much as possible keeps the body healthy.

Surgeries are also conducted for the purposes of removal of extra fat and flabby skin. It can also be done on those individuals who do not have the time for other weight loosing techniques. Operations are usually painful and non pleasant. They usually leave people in very vulnerable situations and they need a lot of care and attention until they heal.

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Gay and Lesbian Friendly Yellow Pages Directory ? GayFriendlyBiz ...

?We?re just going to keep knocking at the door until justice is available to all people,? the Rev. Karen Oliveto, a Methodist pastor of San Francisco?s Glide Memorial Church, said after sheriff?s deputies handcuffed her and her fellow protesters and led them to jail.

The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit earlier this month upheld a decision declaring Proposition 8, California?s ban on same-sex marriage, unconstitutional. The ruling represented a milestone in the secular struggle over gay rights. In the shadow of that struggle, however, a quieter battle is being waged within churches over whether gay people can be married and ordained.

Long before the issue of same-sex marriage grabbed the spotlight, liberal Protestant pastors in Northern California were fighting against church rules prohibiting ordination and marriage of homosexuals. That internal church struggle is broadening nationwide.

In recent years, mainline Protestant denominations ? which are different from evangelical Christian churches that read the Bible as literal truth and emphasize a personal relationship with Jesus ? have one by one changed rules that had prohibited marriage and ordination of gays and lesbians. The Episcopal Church, Presbyterian Church U.S.A., Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the United Church of Christ at one time all barred same-sex wedding ceremonies and ordination of gay clergy members, but they have changed those rules over time.

The last holdout among major mainline Protestant groups has been the United Methodist Church, which had 7.7 million members in the United States as of January 2009. Its doctrine still declares homosexuality ?incompatible with Christian teaching,? prohibits ordination of openly homosexual men and women, and bans same-sex weddings, while urging churches not to reject gay parishioners.

Methodist clergy members like Ms. Oliveto have led a growing pastoral revolt against those teachings ? she has performed more than 50 ?holy union? ceremonies for same-sex couples. And in her church?s liberal California-Nevada conference, 114 pastors from Northern California have signed a petition declaring they are willing to perform holy union ceremonies for same-sex couples, and thus risk being defrocked for violating church rules. More than 1,100 United Methodist pastors nationwide have signed the pledge. In response, 2,700 conservative pastors have signed a letter criticizing those pastors? stance.

For both sides, the stakes are high.

?It is intense, because people feel very deeply about that issue,? said Maxie Dunnam, a retired Memphis pastor who helps lead national efforts to retain the United Methodist Church?s official position condemning homosexuality. ?It?s holistic, it?s human, it?s fair, it?s respectful, and from my perspective, it?s biblical,? he said of the church?s current stance.

Randall Miller, assistant professor of ethics at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, is chairman of the commission that organizes the United Methodists? quadrennial General Conference in April, when bishops and other delegates from around the world will gather in Florida to consider proposed changes to church doctrine, including eliminating the condemnations of homosexuality.

?The United Methodist Church is a great bellwether of where opinions are going in the general society on the issue of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender inclusion,? said Mr. Miller, who will also lead the Northern California delegation to the conference. ?Moving the United Methodist Church step by step, and removing these barriers, is a greater step in making the larger society more inclusive.?

In January 1999, 68 Northern California Methodist pastors gathered in Sacramento to perform in unison a holy union ceremony for a church official and her lesbian partner. The idea was to protest church proceedings that resulted in the defrocking of Jimmy Creech, a Nebraska pastor who had committed heresy by performing weddings for gay parishioners.

?I was punished with the hope that would discourage other clergy, but my colleagues were clear about their willingness to be clergy to all people, and in challenging the church,? said Mr. Creech, who later founded a group called Faith in America, dedicated to fighting what it calls bigotry within churches.

Church hierarchy backed down, and declined to defrock the 68 pastors en masse.

Other denominations are also facing turmoil over the inclusion of gays and lesbians. Since the 1980s, the United Church of Christ has officially accepted the ordination of gay clergy members, a stance not accepted by all congregations. In 2003, the Episcopal Church of the U.S.A. appointed an openly gay bishop, leading some conservative members to leave the denomination. In 2009, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America voted to lift a ban on ordination of sexually active gays and lesbians. In May 2011, the Presbyterian Church voted to allow men and women in same-sex relationships to be ordained, a move that infuriated many faithful.

?There?s no way I can uphold my ordination vows and be in ministry with those people,? said Carmen Fowler LaBerge, a former pastor at Providence Presbyterian Church in Hilton Head, S.C., who resigned in protest over the denomination?s acceptance of gays and lesbians. She went on to lead the Presbyterian Lay Committee, a group that advocates against acceptance of gays and lesbians within the church.

In January, however, that denomination ordained its first openly gay pastor of a church, the Rev. Paul Mowry, pastor of Sausalito Presbyterian Church.

?It?s an encouraging moment of the church coming into living in the full promise of God?s grace,? Mr. Mowry said.

On Valentine?s Day at City Hall, the Rev. Roland Stringfellow, a former minister with the Fundamental Baptist Fellowship Association who directs ministerial outreach at the Center for Gay and Lesbian Studies at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, sat alongside Ms. Oliveto with his partner, Jerry Peterson, a former Church of the Brethren pastor. Both men quit their churches after coming out, because homosexuality is condemned by their denominations. But both said they believe theology and history are on their side.

?Those of us who are progressive people of faith often find ourselves caught in the middle,? said Mr. Stringfellow, whose job at the Pacific School of Religion includes developing a gay-inclusion curriculum aimed at historically black churches. ?People in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community look at you with suspicion, or call you na?ve because of your faith. And then there are people in the religious community who say you are in violation of the faith because of your sexuality.

?In the New Testament, the gentiles were seen as those who were outside God?s promise,? he said. ?But the Apostle Paul was preaching to the gentiles. So the very concepts, issues and conflicts they had then in including people who had been received as outsiders, we?re still dealing with today.?

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Monday, February 13, 2012

How Crafts And Hobbies Can Earn You Money

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By: Richard C.

Crafts and hobbies are good options for passing the time for most enthusiasts. Crafts can be cultured into creative pursuits in different material projects while hobbies can be activities that can make anyone more experts in their respective object of hobby. In every angle, only being one of the best in both craft or hobby can ensure that the products or pursuits are only the best quality.

In this line, most crafters and hobbyists are prone to be proud and display what they have created, collected, achieved or even reached. But being showy with one?s work can not only mean an acknowledgment of one?s skills, it also can mean that having to showcase your products can become a marketing tool for you to start earning money.

Crafts has been an undying passion for some and only more and more variety has become popular. Needle works become awesome tapestries and can be quite valuable after centuries of safekeeping. Paper art has become a lucrative business for personalized scrap booking that many youth are becoming fond about. Paper Mache has become a hit for decors and ornaments. Bead works has been noted to have reached a level of pop culture wherein most bead works has been acknowledge to rival that of professional jewelry designers.

Hobbies like photography, have become more and more diverse, leaving no stone unturned.

Photography for example has become a widely accepted hobby for almost anyone who can afford a camera and its accessories. Collecting rare items like coins and stamps have also been revived in the hope of making the younger kids aware of the importance of persistence.

Many things can be associated with crafts and hobbies and the list still goes on and on as long as human kind is still wanting to learn and develop something. But with the internet on its side, these works and products of creativity need not be forgotten, rather they need to become a source of income and inspiration to others. But how do you start making money out of your own creation or work?

Use the social networking sites around to tell something about your product or hobby expertise field. One way or the other, someone would be glad to hear from you talking about their own craft or hobby. You can put up a page or site that can showcase your best crafts and sell them online. You only need to put up a personal account with a payment processing services and then put up the craft products site. You can tell friends and family to buy from you and rely on word of mouth or references for your buyers. For example, you can showcase your products in photo features in your social networks accounts. You can even tutor some newbie stamp collector on what to look out for in starting his collection.

You can also try to put your products in shopping hosting sites and take it from there. Many sites are offering free links or postings to small companies, including yourself. You can take advantage of their free features to promote your product and directly put them up for sale.

It is hard to imagine that crafts and hobbies can become another source of income. But with the right attitude and mind set, you can help your small business grow by and by.

Author Resource:->??Richard C. Mckeown enjoys writing for which sells wall photo frame and 5x7 picture frames as well as a host of additional products.

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

ECB opens door to indirect Greece aid (Reuters)

FRANKFURT (Reuters) ? European Central Bank President Mario Draghi opened the door on Thursday to helping Athens indirectly after Greek politicians finally signed up to an austerity package following days of dither and delay.

Greece, which needed the deal to secure a new bailout and avoid a ruinous default, has urged the ECB to hand back profits on Greek bonds it holds - a move that could raise 12 billion euros or more to help fill a gap in its financing needs.

The austerity plan, along with a voluntary reduction in the value of private creditors' Greek bonds and any ECB help, is aimed at cutting Athens's debt from 160 percent of GDP to 120 percent by 2020. Draghi said a private sector deal was close.

But its international lenders believe the deal agreed back in October, which has been wrangled over ever since, will no longer fill the Greek financial hole.

After the ECB left interest rates at a record low 1.0 percent, Draghi spent much of his hour-long news conference refusing to show his hand, before indicating at the very end that the bank could pass profits from its Greek bonds to euro zone countries.

The countries could then funnel the money to Greece. The ECB is forbidden from financing governments directly.

"If the ECB gives money to governments, that's monetary financing. If the ECB distributes part of its profits to its member countries as part of the capital key, that's not monetary financing," Draghi said.

The capital key refers to the ECB's measure of countries' stakes in its financing based on economic size and population. Those euro zone countries could then choose whether to pass on the profits to Greece they received from the ECB.

The ECB has spent about 38 billion euros on Greek government bonds, which have a face value of about 50 billion, and has also already received interest payments on some of those bonds.

"On Greece, the ECB seems likely to make the potential profit from its Greek bond holdings available to its shareholders," said Berenberg Bank economist Christian Schulz.

Draghi, who will attend a meeting of euro zone finance ministers later on Thursday to discuss the 130 billion euros bailout, said Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos had confirmed to him that the Greek parties had endorsed a deal, as demanded by their European Union and International Monetary Fund lenders.

The euro rose against the dollar on the news to a new 2-month peak of $1.3321.


Draghi said the ECB still saw "downside risks" to the economic outlook but he omitted the word "substantial" when describing these, a nuance that analysts said reduced the chances of a March rate cut.

"A slight weakening of the easing bias," ING economist Carsten Brzeski said of the change in language.

A Reuters poll of economists conducted after Thursday's policy meeting showed that they expect the ECB to hold interest rates in March and may well keep them on hold for the rest of the year.

The ECB's 23-member Governing Council did not even debate a rate cut - this month, or next.

"We frankly didn't discuss any prospective or current change in interest rates," Draghi said. "Available survey indicators confirm some tentative signs of stabilization in economic activity at (a) low level around the turn of the year."

Since the beginning of the year, some business surveys have fostered hope that the worst of the sovereign debt crisis has blown over and the euro zone economy is perking up.

Draghi said these were only fledgling signs, suggesting rates could yet fall below 1.0 percent, into uncharted territory.

Many analysts say that as the March 8 meeting comes soon after the ECB's second three-year liquidity operation on February 29, the bank will want to wait longer than that before moving rates, which it has not previously cut below 1.0 percent.

The central bank funneled banks 489 billion euros at a first three-year ultra-cheap loan operation in December, a measure that had gone a long way to calm financial market turmoil, and will repeat the offer in three weeks.

Draghi noted expert opinion expected a similar take-up this month. He recently said the December operation had averted a major credit crunch.

Francesco Papadia, a top ECB official, said on Wednesday bank liquidity concerns had all but disappeared thanks to the ECB's December three-year loans, adding that he was tempted to declare 'mission accomplished'.

(Additional reporting by Paul Carrel, Sakari Suoninen, Marc Jones, Clare Kane, Anna Willard, Jeremy Gaunt and Patrick Graham. Writing by Mike Peacock.)


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Mortgage Rates Chart | Mortgage payments down 13%

Falling mortgage rates make owning Carrollton real estate more affordable. Mortgage rates are directly tied to monthly mortgage payment so as mortgage rates drop, so does the cost of home-ownership.

It?s a money-saving time to buy a home in? Carrollton ? or to refinance one. Mortgage rates have never been this low in history.

According to Freddie Mac, last week, the average 30-year fixed rate mortgage fell to 3.87% nationwide for borrowers looking for Carrollton homes for sale . This represents a great value as compared to February of last year.

It was exactly one year ago that Carrollton mortgage rates began their long slide lower.?On February 11, 2011, the 30-year fixed rate mortgage in Carrollton reached its peak for the year at 5.05%.?If you are among the many Carrollton homeowners that bought or refinanced a home around that time, you could choose to replace your current Carrollton home loan with a new one and save close to 13% on your monthly mortgage payment.

13 percent saved on your mortgage is an impressive statistic. Look at this 30-year fixed rate mortgage payment comparison over the last 12 months :

  • February 2011 : $539.88 principal + interest per $100,000 borrowed
  • February 2012 : $469.95 principal + interest per $100,000 borrowed

Because of rock bottom mortgage rates, a homeowner with a $250,000 30-year fixed rate mortgage would save more than $175 per month just by refinancing into a lower rate loan at today?s mortgage rates.?That?s $2,100 in savings per year. Even after figuring discount points and closing costs, the ?break-even point? on a mortgage like that can come quickly.

We can?t predict? mortgage rates in? Carrollton so there?s no promise rates will stay like this forever. In fact, they likely won?t last long. If you?re planning to buy Carrollton homes for sale or refinance, the best way to keep your monthly payments down is to lock your rate while mortgage rates are still low.

The market looks ripe for that now.

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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Euro zone loses patience with Greece (Reuters)

BRUSSELS (Reuters) ? Euro zone finance ministers told Greece on Saturday it could not go ahead with an agreed deal to restructure privately-held debt until it guaranteed it would implement reforms needed to secure a second financing package from the euro zone and the IMF.

Euro zone ministers had hoped to meet on Monday to finalize the second Greek bailout, which has to be in place by mid-March if Athens is to avoid a chaotic default. But the meeting was postponed because of Greek reluctance to commit to reforms.

Instead, the ministers held a conference call on Saturday to take stock of progress on the second financing package, which euro zone leaders set at 130 billion euros back in October.

"There was a very clear message that was conveyed from all participants of the teleconference ... to the Greeks that enough is enough," one euro zone official said. "There is a great sense of frustration that they are dragging their feet.

"They should get their act together and start talking honestly, decisively and speedily with the Troika on the aspects of the programme that remain to be finalized - on fiscal and labor market reforms," the official said.

The Troika are the representatives of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund, who have prepared a Greek debt sustainability analysis on which the second financing programme will be based.

"The main issue is the lack of reform, or prior action, in Greece," a second euro zone official said.

Euro zone ministers were also dissatisfied with Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos because they believed the minister was paying more attention to his position within his party ahead of the April elections, than to talks about reforms.

"There is a great sense of frustration with Minister Venizelos, who is very hard to get hold of because he is very busy campaigning for the leadership of (the Greek party) PASOK, so he is not available to meet with Troika members," the first official said.

"He is preparing his own political future, rather than the future of his country. People are seriously disgruntled about that and have conveyed this very clearly to him this afternoon," the official said.

"There is an increasing sense of frustration that why should we honour our part of the bargain, which we have in the past, while Greece does not seem to care that much, and has not delivered their part of the bargain," the official said.


In Athens, Venizelos admitted to a growing sense of impatience with the Greeks.

"There is great impatience and great pressure not only from the three institutions that make up the troika but also from euro zone member states," Venizelos said after what he called a "very difficult" conference call with euro zone counterparts.

"The moment is very crucial. Everything should be concluded by tomorrow night."

Jean-Claude Juncker, who chairs the Eurogroup of euro zone finance ministers, voiced the possibility of default.

"If we were to establish that everything has gone wrong in Greece, there would be no new programme, and that would mean that in March they have to declare bankruptcy," he said in advance copy of comments to news weekly Der Spiegel.

Greece has secured a debt restructuring deal with private creditors to halve the value of Greek debt in nominal terms and in exchange receive new, 30 year bonds with an average coupon below 4 percent, officials said.

The restructuring is to help make Greek debt sustainable by cutting it to 120 percent of GDP in 2020 from 160 percent now.

But euro zone governments will only agree to bolster the debt restructuring, called private sector involvement (PSI), with 30 billion euros and further finance the Greek government through 2014 if Athens presses on with lagging reforms.

"The message to Greece now is very clear. The PSI as it stands now is broadly OK but we will not allow you to go ahead with the PSI unless we have guarantees that the rest of the reform to make the whole situation sustainable in the long run will be delivered," the first official said.

"We don't want to give them the PSI, because once we do, we surrender our leverage to obtain any more concrete commitments in terms of policy," the official said. "Before we go ahead with the PSI ... we want to have assurances that Greece is actually capable of implementing the second programme."

Debt restructuring is likely to hit Greek banks harder than others, because they hold a lot of Greek government bonds.

Some EU officials said on Friday that euro zone governments may now have to contribute closer to 145 billion euros than the originally envisaged 130 billion to the second financing package to help recapitalise Greek banks after the bond swap.

But there is strong resistance to that idea from several countries, including paymaster Germany.

"It is highly unlikely that the overall envelope will increase," the second official said.

"In some capitals there is absolutely no appetite whatsoever to reopen the size of the financing package," the first official said.


Investors and some EU officials have suggested that any additional money needed to make Greek debt sustainable could come from the ECB, which holds a portfolio of around 40-50 billion euros worth of Greek paper.

The issue was not discussed at the Saturday call, however.

"This is off the table now. Everybody is saying now that before we can start discussing what the public sector can do, should do or may do, let's talk to the Greeks about what they are prepared to do," the first official said.

"If the Greeks don't start delivering, the question of Official Sector Involvement (OSI) is superfluous."

International lenders to Greece would like to see a lower minimum wage, the removal of the 13th and 14th month "bonus" salary and the liberalisation of labor markets - issues that are politically difficult for Greek parties before the April elections.

"We hope that over the next 12-24-48 hours they will get their act together and ... discuss these matters very urgently with the Troika," the first official said.

Euro zone officials said that Greece, betting that the euro zone would not allow a disorderly default because of the possible repercussions across the 17-country single currency bloc, was playing a dangerous game.

"They think, that we think that the unthinkable cannot be thought. But they better think again," the first official said.

The euro zone expects Greek politicians to come up with a consensus on reforms by Monday, but a letter committing to reforms from political parties may not be enough at this stage, the official said.

"We don't care so much about signed letters by now, we want a clear timetable for legislative action, we would expect them to put it in legislation and pass it possibly before the end of February or in early March - that is the best guarantee - better than any signature," the first official said.

(Editing by Mike Peacock)


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Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Busy Woman's Guide to Surviving Motherhood: #Giveaway ...

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